Please underline the most appropriate answer for each question. Do not leave any questions unanswered.
1. Will human subjects be participating in:
a. biomedical procedures? ....................................................................................... NO YES
b. procedures to elicit information (personality tests, questionnaires,
inventories, surveys, observations, etc.)? ............................................................... NO YES
c. procedures specifically designed to directly modify the knowledge,
thinking, attitudes, feelings, or other aspects of the behavior
of subjects? ............................................................................................................. NO YES
2. If biomedical procedures are involved:
a. are provisions for emergency medical care necessary? ....................................... NO YES N/A
(if yes, give details on the Proposal Form)
b. has a qualified MD participated in planning the project? ...................................... NO YES N/A
c. will this study involve drugs or chemical agents (dosages),
ionizing radiation, nonionizing radiation (microwaves, lasers),
or high intensity sound? ......................................................................................... NO YES N/A
3. Does this study involve giving false or misleading information to
subjects or withholding information from them such that their
"informed consent" is in question? ................................................................................ NO YES
4. Are procedures to be used new or innovative (not established and
accepted)? ...................................................................................................................... NO YES
5. Will the procedures:
a. cause any degree of discomfort, harassment, invasion of privacy,
risk of physical injury, or threat to the dignity of subjects, or be
otherwise potentially harmful to subjects? ............................................................ NO YES
b. if answer to 5a is yes, have specific provisions been made to
correct any harmful or adverse conditions that may arise? .................................... YES NO N/A
(Give details in the Proposal Form).
6. Can the potential benefits to subjects from conducting this study be
considered to outweigh the risks to subjects? ................................................................ YES NO N/A
7. Can the potential benefits to society from conducting this study be
considered to outweigh the risks to subjects? ................................................................ YES NO