What are the CT DOTS Family Pages?
CT DOTS will show how your child’s learning and development builds over time. This tool helps
early childhood teachers, other professionals, and families work together to figure out what
children know and are able to do. This information helps your child’s teacher plan how to
support the next steps in learning and development. The CT DOTS Family Pages are one
way that teachers can gather information about your child’s learning and development.
Children learn and develop at different rates and may have stronger skills in some areas so it is
not expected that your child will show all of the skills included on the CT DOTS Family Pages.
The Family Pages are designed to fit with different developmental stages. But you may find that
the skills you are being asked about don’t completely fit with what you see your child doing.
That’s okay, but you might want to check with your child’s teacher if you find this happens with
a lot of the questions.
Many families have questions about how their child is developing. Partnering with your child’s
teacher or your doctor may be a first step. In addition, the Child Development Infoline can
provide information and connect families with screening tools, such as the Ages and Stages
Questionnaires (ASQ). The ASQ is used to quickly check for children’s strengths and find
areas where more information might be needed. Visit the Child Development Infoline at or call 1-800-505-7000 to learn more about resources and
services for young children in CT.
How can I use the CT DOTS Family Pages?
Each CT DOTS Family Pages has two sections. The top section has quick questions for you
to answer about what you see your child doing at home or in the community. Please complete
and return this top section to your child’s teacher. It’s okay if you aren’t sure about some
questions. Any information you can share is helpful and you can keep watching for new
skills to share later!
What would you like your child to learn this year?
Return this form to school.
Describe things your child seems to like or be interested in.
Briefly describe a typical day at home.
Who does your child spend time with at home? What language(s) does your child hear often?
What are your goals for your child’s language learning?
What do you want for your child in the future?
Child’s Name