Community Colleges
of Spokane
Global Education
For High School Completion, Undergraduate, American Success, and Exchange Students
Please PRINT full name in ENGLISH as it appears on passport or other form of identification.
Assured funds in USD for each academic year.
Parent or Sponsor - List All:
(Name and signature is required on verification below.)
Personal Savings - Name of Bank:
(Attach original bank statement or letter.)
Your Government - Name of Agency:
(Enclose a signed copy of your letter of award.)
Other- Please specify:
For Example: Scholarships or other awards, student loan, second personal sponsor, etc.
(Enclose signed affidavits or award letters from authorized person or organization.)
Name of Sponsor (please print)
I will
☐ full financial support
☐ partial financial support in the amount of $ per year for the applicant’s (and dependents,
if applicable) tuition, fees and living expenses for the entire length of study at the Community Colleges
of Spokane. As verification that funding is available, I have attached an original bank statement(s) or
letter(s). (Please indicate applicant’s name on all financial documents.)
Name of Sponsor (please print)
I will
☐ full financial support
☐ partial financial support in the amount of $ per year for the applicant’s (and dependents,
if applicable) tuition, fees and living expenses for the entire length of study at the Community Colleges
of Spokane. As verification that funding is available, I have attached an original bank statement(s) or
letter(s). (Please indicate applicant’s name on all financial documents.)
I, , hereby promise that the information provided is true, correct, and complete.
I understand I ultimately am responsible for all anticipated yearly expenses for the length of my stay at the Community
Colleges of Spokane. I understand that these documents will not be returned to me.
Signature Date
Please email the complete Affidavit and bank documentation to: globalprograms@ccs.spokane.edu.
Marketing and Public Relations
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