North Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program
If you answered “No” to #2 or “Yes” to #3, requests for time extensions, budget
modifications, and any changes to the scope of work, or planned accomplishments must be
submitted in writing at least 60 days before the contract end date. Along with a request
letter on city or organization letterhead, you must also submit a revised Schedule/Timeline
and or Budget Proposal Form as applicable.
Covering activities from start of contract through to this date of the contract period.
Email to:
Date: Contract #:
Person Reporting: Title:
Phone #: email:
Report Period, from: to:
1. Has any contact information changed (grant coordinator, phone, address, email, etc.)?
If “Yes”, please provide updated information.
2. Is the project on schedule and do you anticipate completion by the contract end date?
If “No”, please explain.
3. Will any modifications to the budget, to the scope of work, or to planned accomplishments
be needed? If “yes”, please explain.
4. Compete page 2, Schedule/Timeline Progress