“How you start your day is how you live your day”.
- Louise Hay
Each morning when I wake I say the following armation:
I am open and receptive to the abundance of the Universe. I trust in you, I trust in me,
for we are one. And I am grateful.
I then rattle o a list of things I’m grateful for.
Starting the day this way reminds me of a few home truths:
1. The Universe is innitely abundant. There is more than enough to go around for
everyone. I can let go of anything that resembles a scarcity mentality.
2. That I am the Universe and the Universe is me. It reinforces oneness, letting go of
separation. It reminds me that it always has my back.
3. Tuning into gratitude lls me up, nourishes me, gives me perspective on my life.
After this, I take a few moments to consciously create my day.
I little while back I was at a Conscious Club event where Dr Joe Dispenza spoke. He began
his talk by asking the question, ‘Who here believes their thoughts create their reality?’.
Needless to say the 400 audience members all raised their hands. He then asked ‘Of those
who have their hands raised who uses their thoughts each day to consciously create it?’.
Only a few in the audience kept their hands raised.
The question stalled me. Made me sit up and pay attention.
Don’t get me wrong I was always mindful of what was going through my head, being
responsible as best I could for my thoughts, being disciplined to reign in negative ones. But
to actually USE the thoughts, well this made me see things a little dierently.
From that day on I made a conscious eort to think about HOW I wanted to FEEL over the
course of the day ahead. I would pick a FEELING and tune in. And by tuning in, I mean
setting my intention for the day. I visualise situations, I imagine conversations, I feel the
sensation of the feeling in my body.
Some days I choose to feel Present. Other days it’s Connected. Adventurous. Divinely
Feminine. Joyful.
As if like magic, my days unfold bringing towards me situations, people and opportunities in
alignment with the FEELING I am consciously tuning into.
Understanding the Power of Intention.
An intention is like sending out our wish, our desire, our request and then trusting it’s going
to bounce right back, in the most positive of ways. It’s like a fenced o area, a vortex to
encapsulate the message sent forth, to gather what it is we want and bring it back to us.
Setting intentions relies upon us having an unwavering trust. A trust which rewards us in the
most magical of ways.
To create the life you want + desire is to live consciously.
This means creating soulful habits + following through
on them.
1. Create an armation that makes your soul stir and your heart swell.
For inspiration turn to google. There are literally thousands out there. Pick and choose words
from those that resonate and create your own. Play around with what works. My armation
took a couple of months to take form. Be patient with this, but be insatiably curious at the
same time!
Say this armation as you wake in the morning. Say it throughout the day when you need a
bit of perspective on life. It will help you to recalibrate.
2. Rattle o a list of things you’re grateful for.
For more info on the power of gratitude check out your Gratitude Worksheet.
3. Send your Feeling based intention out to the day ahead.
I want to feel
This looks like
Sounds like
My body feels like
Enhance the Power of your Intention with this
Kinesiology Technique
i.e. Place your hand on forehead.
Two Groovy Facts
1. The brain does not know if something is real or imagined therefore if you’re thinking
about it you’re brain thinks you’re in the act of doing it. Which means you’re positively
inuencing your vibration.
2. This technique of placing your hand on your forehead, while super simple, activates
acupressure points on the forehead which signals the brain to send blood to all 3 parts
- your reptilian brain, your limbic brain and your front neo-cortex. Our front neo-cortex is
the part of the brain responsible for thinking creatively, calmly and for focusing.
Place your hand on your forehead and imagine your day before you.
Use all your senses to tune into
What you want to See,
What you want to Hear,
How you want to Feel.
By doing so you trick the brain into thinking you’re actually in the moment doing it.
Which means you’re consciously sending out signals to the Universe to bring this vibration,
this situation to you.
See it, Say it, Sense it.
See It
In order to create what you want in your life, you have to be able to imagine it. For example,
visualise yourself doing the action.
It could be you up on stage presenting, meeting a random stranger and having a irty
moment, being totally present to your work, stepping on that plane. You know your
daydreams - go there!
Say It
The same goes for your language. Don’t say what you fear but, instead, focus on what you
want. (For example if you have an upcoming presentation, instead of arming ‘I hope I don’t
screw it up’ say ‘I am condent and grateful that the right and perfect words ow with ease
and grace in today’s presentation’.)
Sense It
Tune into where you FEEL it in your body. Is it in your chest, your head, your legs, your
gut? Where do you sense the energy? What does if feel like? Energising, Exciting, Calm,
Grounded. Tune in and go there!
This process can be as short as 2 minutes or as long as 20. Find what works for you. More
than anything though, just make sure you do it for some period of time.
Why you should bother with any of this.
The power of creating positive habits, of repetition, is important for 2 reasons:
1. The Brain. The more we repeat a process the more neural pathways activate, eventually
creating a neural net. For the brain, this means the habit eventually becomes eortlessly
and automatic. Which means the chemicals we want to be producing in our brain and
body are automatic. Which means our vibration is resonating at a higher frequency more
often. This is all good stu. On a physical, emotional and mental level.
2. Spiritually. The process described above is your conversation with the Universe. It’s easy,
especially when we are stressed or anxious to lose sight of the Universe having our
back, of feeling like we’re doing it all alone. This so isn’t the case and setting intentions in
the morning positively reminds us of this.
For More Manifesting Love.
Kinesiology sessions are the perfect way for us to align with our desires + wants, clearing
the blocks preventing us from living our dream life. Don’t hesitate. Book in a session.
You’ll be so pleased you did.
Come along to the ever popular Manifest Like a MoFo Workshop (Sydney). 3 hours of
tangible tools + techniques + teachings on the energy psychology behind Manifesting
and Abundance.