---Kathy Mal
Rochelle Angley
Assistant Principal
Monica Cabral
Assistant Principal
School Board: President – Mike Stuart Vice President- Susan Saephanh Members – Sue Brix, Trent Copland, Mike Littau
2200 Eureka Way Redding CA 96001 • 530.245.2790 • www.uprep.net
(for 2020-2021 school year)
December 2, 2019
Dear Parent(s) of Currently Enrolled Students,
Each year, we request that parents sign and return this Intent to Return form, which assists staff in
determining seat availability before conducting lottery admissions for the 2020-2021 school year.
This form guarantees your student’s placement when returned no later than Friday, January 17,
This form may be returned in one of four ways:
o U.S. Mail with a postmarked date on or before Friday, January 17, 2020.
o S
canned and emailed (slanzi@suhsd.net
) on or before Friday, January 17, 2020.
o S
chool Fax, (530) 245-2791, on or before Friday, January 17, 2020.
o In-pe
rson to the school office (parent or student) no later than Friday, January 17, 2020.
Return one form per currently enrolled student. If we do not receive an Intent to Return form by the
Friday, January 17
deadline, it will be assumed that your student is not returning to U-Prep and
his/her position in the school will be forfeited.
For admissions questions, please call 245-2793. Thank you for your prompt attention, and we look
forward to continuing our educational partnership in 2020-2021!
☐ Yes, my student will be returning. ☐ No, my student will not be returning.
Student Name (Print) _____________________________ Grade level for 2020-21_______
Parent(s) Name (Print) ______________________________________________________
Parent Signature_________________________________ Date______________________
Received by: _________________________________________ Date: ________________________________
click to sign
click to edit