If you received a complaint, you are required to appear and answer the complaint by the date on the summons.
If you were personally served, you have 21 days after receiving the summons to file a written answer with the
court. If you were served by mail or were served outside of this state, you have 28 days after receiving the
summons to file a written answer with the court. If you do not appear and answer as required, the court may
enter a default judgment against you. This means the judge may grant a judgment for the plaintiff without
hearing from you.
1. How do I file an Answer?
You appear and answer by filing a written answer with the same court where the complaint was filed and
serving the plaintiff with that answer. There is no fee for filing an answer.
2. Fill out the Answer form.
Fill out form MC 03 (Answer, Civil) on the website or get a paper copy from the court to fill out.
Write in the court number, case number, the court address, the court telephone number, and the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of the plaintiff and the defendant exactly as they are on your court
For each of the numbered statements on the complaint, check only one box in response to that statement.
If the complaint is numbered beyond five, check the box "continued on page 2" and complete page 2. If
necessary, complete page 3 and add more pages as needed.
If you have affirmative defenses, you must state them now using the last page of the form. If you do not,
the court may prohibit you from raising them later. An affirmative defense is a defense claiming that the
plaintiff is not entitled to a judgment because other facts exist that create a lawful defense. Affirmative
defenses allow you to provide information to the court that is not stated in the plaintiff's complaint.
Write in the date you complete the form and sign your name.
3. Make four copies of the completed answer forms.
4. File the Answer with the court.
File the original of your answer with the court in person or by first-class mail.
5. Serve the Answer.
You must serve (provide) a copy of the answer on the plaintiff either by personal service or by first-class
mail. If the plaintiff has an attorney, serve the answer on the attorney instead of the plaintiff.
After you serve the answer on the plaintiff, complete the certificate of service on the bottom of the
remaining two copies of the form. File one copy with the court. You can do this either in person or by first-
class mail. Keep the remaining copy of the answer form for yourself.
See the Michigan Court's Self-Help Center for information on demanding a jury at and
preparing for trial generally at
NOTE: You must bring all documents to the hearing to support what you checked on the answer form.