T:\Family SHC\01 FORMS\Common Forms\request-and-order-for-fmc.docx (Rev. 06/18/19)
(These instructions were developed by FMC to assist in preparing the
Request and Order and moving it through the correct channels in a timely manner.)
Please read these instructions carefully before completing the
1. The request must be filled out completely. The Plaintiff and
Defendant will be the same as all your original court documents.
Complete and correct mailing and e-mail addresses on both
parties are mandatory. The date and signature line for the judge
are the only items that need to be left blank.
2. Once the request is completed, take it to the third floor of the
Family Courts and Services building. Place the form in the correct
department’s box.
3. To have the request returned to you as quickly as possible, once
the form is signed by the judge, you must pick it up. Place a note
on the request informing the department that you will pick it up
once it is signed. When you pick up the signed form, take it to the
kiosk on the first floor of the Family Courts and Services building
to file the request electronically. A file-stamped copy will be
provided to you.
4. Once you receive the file-stamped copy, you must bring it to FMC
and complete a FMC Data Sheet so that a mediation appointment
can be scheduled. You must also send a copy of the file-stamped
request by certified mail or return receipt requested mail to the
other party.