Building & Development Services
1102 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX 78734
Phone: (512) 314-7540 Fax: (512) 314-7541
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What is a site development/small project permit?
Before developing or redeveloping land located in the city limits or its extraterritorial jurisdiction for
nonresidential and multifamily uses, an applicant must first obtain a site development or a small project
permit. Site development and small project plans shall demonstrate compliance with the City of
Lakeway Code of Ordinances and will typically show the proposed site layout including, but not limited
to, building location, grading, parking areas, driveways and drive aisles, utilities, water quality and
detention, and landscaping. The submittal must also show that impervious cover for the development
will not exceed the maximum allowed.
Site development and small project permits will only be issued for lots that have been platted and
legally recorded or have otherwise obtained legal lot status.
What is the purpose of a site development/small project permit?
The purpose of the site development/small project permit is to:
1. Ensure compliance with adopted city development regulations and other applicable
regulations that apply to the property for which the city has enforcement responsibility.
2. Promote safe, efficient and harmonious use of land through application of city-adopted design
standards and guidelines.
3. Protect and enhance the city's environmental and aesthetic quality.
4. Ensure adequate public facilities to serve development.
5. Prevent or mitigate adverse development impacts.
6. Aid in the evaluation and coordination of land subdivision.
7. Promote public health, safety and welfare.
When is a site development/small project permit required?
A site development permit is required for any new development or any redevelopment that proposes to
add more than 2,000 square feet of impervious cover to a previously approved site. A small project
permit is required for minor construction projects that do not add more than 2,000 square feet of
additional impervious cover.
For single-family residential uses, a subdivision improvement permit is required instead of a site
development permit.
How long does the review process take?
Although staff will make every effort to review the submittal as soon as possible, assume a 4-week
review period from the date of submittal (or resubmittal). Site development and small project plans
may be administratively approved and do not need the approval of the Zoning and Planning
Commission or City Council as long as the submittal complies with the Code of Ordinances.
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What submittals are required for a site development/small project permit?
The applicant should submit the following to the Building and Development Services Department,
located at 1102 Lohmans Crossing Road, Lakeway, TX 78734:
1. Site development/small project application and applicable fee.
2. Documents and plans as listed in the “Site Development/Small Project Checklist”.
The fire department and the local water/wastewater provider shall also receive copies of the submittal;
please contact each entity separately to verify their application process.
Once all review comments have been satisfactorily addressed, one (1) 24”x36” copy and a CD of pdf
files of the plan set shall be returned to the Building and Development Services Department. An onsite
preconstruction meeting shall be held before the site development/small project permit will be issued
Building & Development Services
1102 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX 78734
Phone: (512) 314-7540 Fax: (512) 314-7541
As the applicant named above, my signature attests to the fact that the
attached application package is complete and accurate to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that City Staff review is dependent upon the
accuracy of the information
provided and that any inaccurate or
inadequate information provided may delay the review of this
application. I further understand that plans submitted without an
engineer’s and/or surveyor’s seal will not be accepted for review
and that City Staff review time may take up to four weeks per
review. In addition, as the owner or authorized agent, my signature
authorizes the City Staff or their representatives to visit and inspect the
property for which this application is being submitted.
click to sign
click to edit
Building & Development Services
1102 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX 78734
Phone: (512) 314-7540 Fax: (512) 314-7541
Page 1 of 7
This checklist is intended to provide a general guideline. Due to the unique circumstances of
different projects, additional information may be required by the City. The following items must
be included in the submittal package in order for plans to be reviewed:
1. A completed application form.
2. Construction cost estimate and a check made payable to the City of Lakeway for the amount
shown in the fee ordinance*.
3. The appropriate number of copies of supporting documents and plan sets.
* The estimated construction cost shall include all improvements called for in the construction
plan set, except for water/wastewater. That includes, but is not limited to, erosion controls/tree
protection, excavation, grading (including retaining walls), drainage/storm sewer, water quality
and detention ponds, streets, sidewalks, driveways/aisles, parking lots, and landscaping. A
spread sheet showing the breakdown of the construction cost estimate shall be submitted with
your application for our review. Other fees may apply. Please check with Lake Travis Fire
Rescue (LTFR) and with the water/wastewater district that the project is located in. If the
project is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the city, application will also have to be
made with Travis County TNR.
The plans shall be drawn using computer-aided drafting at a legible scale. Please submit a copy of all
supporting documents, one (1) 24”x36” plan set, and one (1) CD of all files (including plans) in pdf
format to the City. Contact all other reviewing entities for information regarding their requirements for
application, review fees, and the number of plan copies to be submitted.
Plans submitted without an Engineer’s seal will not be accepted for review. Review comments will
either be emailed or faxed to the Project Engineer separately from each entity reviewing the project
submittal. Review time may take up to four (4) weeks for each submittal. Plans should not be re-
submitted for review until all comments have been received from each entity.
Include the appropriate number of copies of the following supporting documents:
A. A summary letter to include:
1. The name and contact information of the owner, the acreage and legal identification of the
2. A project overview, existing and proposed zoning/land use and summary of development
(including impact on adjacent land uses, traffic generation, etc.).
3. The existing and proposed percentage of impervious cover on site.
4. Description of type of proposed water quality treatment.
B. An Environmental Assessment.
C. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Determination Worksheet and/or TIA. (If a TIA is required,
two (2) bound copies and a CD of the report in PDF format must be submitted).
D. Letters from TxDOT and/or Travis County regarding proposed street or driveway
connections (if applicable).
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E. Letter from the Postmaster approving the location of the proposed mail kiosk.
F. A copy of the deed
G. Engineer’s and Drainage Report, to include:
1. A phasing plan, (if applicable).
2. The description of the existing topography, geologic, soil, and vegetation characteristics.
3. A general description of the proposed changes to the site.
4. A general description of the erosion control measures to be utilized.
5. The general sequencing of construction.
6. The description and calculation of all impervious cover on the site.
7. All drainage calculations, drainage methodology and hydrographs per the City of Austin’s
Drainage Criteria Manual.
8. Drainage area maps, storm sewers description, etc.
9. Registered Professional Engineer’s Seal.
H. All easements and other legal documents.
I. A copy of the proposed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
At a minimum, the plan set shall consist of the following:
A. Cover sheet shall include:
1. The title of the subdivision/project.
2. The address of the site.
3. A location map.
4. The date.
5. The legal description of the property.
6. Existing and proposed zoning of the property.
7. An index with sequencing of all sheets.
8. A revision/correction block.
9. The name, address, phone number and fax number of the owner.
10. The name, phone number and fax number of the owner's representatives responsible for
plan alterations.
11. The Engineer's Responsibility note.
12. The Engineer’s certification.
13. The Owner’s certification.
14. The name of the watershed in which the site is located.
15. A floodplain note.
16. TxDOT and Travis County TNR permit numbers (if applicable).
17. The description and date of variances and/or waivers granted by the City of Lakeway.
18. A line for the Site Development/Small Project permit number.
19. Signature blocks for Code Official, City Engineer, Fire Department (Lake Travis Fire
Rescue), Water/Wastewater Provider, and Travis County TNR (if applicable).
B. General Notes and Specifications sheet shall include:
1. The City’s general notes.
2. Any required Fire Department and Utility notes.
3. Construction specifications.
C. Recorded Plat
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D. Existing Conditions sheet shall include:
1. The surveyor's certification.
2. The benchmark to mean sea level (MSL).
3. The bearings/distances on property lines.
4. The site acreage.
5. The road names with pavement width and R.O.W.
6. The current zoning for the site and all adjacent sites.
7. One foot contours, a minimum of 50-feet beyond all site boundaries.
8. All drainage features, culverts, storm sewers, etc. on or within 50-feet of all site
boundaries, with size, grades and flow line elevations.
9. The delineation of each waterway.
10. The delineation of any Buffer Zones.
11. The limits of the 100-year floodplain, based on existing channel conditions, of all creeks
and major drainage channels prior to any alteration of land assuming fully developed
watershed condition.
12. The location of all Critical Environmental Features and related Buffer Zones.
13. The location of all hardwood trees 6-inches and larger in diameter and Texas Madrones of
any size. Provide a tree table listing the tree number, species and size and designate
which trees are to remain and which are proposed for removal.
14. The location of existing sidewalks, fences, driveways, buildings (including overhangs),
access roads, septic tanks and fields, etc.
15. All existing utilities.
16. All existing driveways on both sides of the street(s) on which the project abuts, for a
distance of 150-feet from the project in each direction.
17. The location and dimensions of all easements and setbacks as outlined in the subdivision
plats and by separate instrument, deed restrictions and this ordinance.
18. The location, type, acreage, and percentage of existing impervious cover.
E. Slope Map sheet shall include:
1. Minimum 2-foot contours to MSL.
2. All proposed site improvements (screened in the background).
3. Slopes of 0-15%, 15%-25%, 25%-35%, and >35% delineated on drawing (calculated using
a maximum of 2-foot intervals). Make sure each category is distinguishable from the
4. A table showing Net Site Area calculations.
5. A table showing existing and proposed impervious cover calculations by item (i.e. building,
parking, sidewalk, etc.).
6. The spoils area.
7. The contractor staging area.
8. The proposed wastewater disposal area (if septic).
F. Erosion and Sedimentation Control/Tree Protection sheet shall include:
1. All proposed site improvements as shown on the site plan (without text).
2. Existing and proposed contours in different, legible linetypes.
3. All utility lines (existing and proposed).
4. The limits of construction (LOC) with a note that states orange construction fencing shall
be installed where the LOC is shown.
5. All proposed erosion/sedimentation controls. Include a note that states additional
environmental controls may be required by the City as construction progresses.
6. A tree table (tree number, species, size and whether it is to remain or be removed).
7. All proposed tree protection. Submit a tree removal application for any hardwood tree 16-
inches or greater that is proposed to be removed (approval is not guaranteed).
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8. The stabilized construction entrances, showing length and width.
9. The proposed spoils area and estimated quantity of soil to be disposed.
10. The contractor staging area.
11. All Critical Environmental Features (CEF’s) and the required buffer zone.
12. The location of any Buffer Zone.
13. The limits of the current 100-year floodplain or a note that states no portion of the property
is within the 100-year floodplain.
G. Site Plan sheets shall include:
1. The delineation of jurisdictional boundaries (city limits and ETJ).
2. Owner, acreage, zoning and legal description of adjacent properties.
3. Label adjacent street names, widths and right-of-way widths.
4. Show required building setbacks and PUE’s.
5. The limits of the 100-year floodplain or a note that states none exists on site.
6. The locations of any Critical Environmental Features and the required buffer zone.
7. The locations of any Buffer Zone.
8. The limits of construction.
9. The corners of building overhangs tied to the property lines.
10. All proposed entrances/exits to the building. Include sidewalks, accessible ramps and
stairs with railing.
11. The square footage and finish floor elevations of all buildings.
12. The wastewater disposal area (if septic).
13. The detention and water quality ponds.
14. Retaining walls.
15. The locations and screening details for the electrical transformer, air conditioning units and
trash dumpster. These items may not encroach into the building setback.
16. Any proposed propane tank with screening.
17. The existing and proposed fire hydrants and fire lanes.
18. The location of any proposed signage.
19. The location of the mail kiosk.
20. Label all curb radii.
21. The driveway drains/grates.
22. The location of parking spaces (including handicapped) and loading zones. Provide a
parking calculation table showing required parking and provided parking.
23. A table showing net site area calculations.
24. A table showing existing and proposed impervious cover.
25. All existing and proposed easements.
26. Any required landscape buffer.
27. Location of proposed lighting.
28. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
H. Grading Plan sheet shall include:
1. All site improvements as shown on the site plan.
2. Provide a note that states slopes greater than 2:1 shall be structurally stabilized unless
otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
3. Include a note that states all exposed concrete must be faced with stone, stucco or other
material approved by the City.
4. Existing and proposed contours. One foot contours and necessary spot elevations
(particularly on corners of driveways, parking lots and handicap parking areas.
5. A note that states safety railing will be provided for all retaining walls/ponds with vertical
elevation changes from 30-inches up to 6-feet. Any elevation difference 6-feet and greater
must have a guardrail (wrought iron fence).
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6. Storm sewers.
7. The inlet capacity, flow lines, top of grate, and flow rates.
8. The ponds with piping and control flow line elevations.
9. Driveway drains/grates.
10. Label all curb radii.
11. Location of all hardwood trees 6-inches and greater.
12. The limits of the 100-year floodplain or a note that states none exists on site.
13. The locations of any Critical Environmental Features and the required buffer zone.
14. The locations of any Buffer Zone.
15. Identify all proposed fill areas and all cut slopes and provide top of wall and bottom of wall
elevations for all walls. Submit a waiver request for any cut/fill that exceeds 6-feet.
Submit a variance application for any cut/fill that exceeds 12-feet.
16. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
I. Drainage Plan sheet shall include:
1. Off-site drainage area map.
2. An existing and proposed on-site drainage basin map.
3. Existing and proposed contours.
4. The location, size and flow line of all existing drainage structures adjacent to the project.
5. Driveway drains/grates.
6. The size in acres, C, I, T
, and Q
for each specific drainage area.
7. Proposed storm sewer system layout showing the size, material, slope and calculations for
, V
and d
for all storm sewers, channels and culverts.
8. Provide cross-sections for any open channel flow.
9. Proposed rip-rap for storm outfalls.
10. The contributing area to the water quality pond.
11. The flow rate calculations for on-site detention and water quality ponds.
12. The wastewater disposal areas (if septic).
13. All existing and proposed drainage easements.
14. HEC analysis for all drainage ways with a contributing area or 62 acres or more.
15. The existing and proposed 100-year floodplains for all waterways.
J. Utility Plan sheets shall include:
1. All site improvements as shown on the site plan.
2. Existing and proposed contours.
3. The existing and proposed utility lines for water, wastewater, electric and telephone with
pipe sizes, material, grades and elevations. No overhead lines are allowed without prior
4. All existing and proposed easements.
5. The locations of all power poles and guy wires. No new power poles are allowed without
prior approval.
6. The locations of all existing and proposed meters and pedestals.
7. The existing and proposed fire hydrants.
8. If septic, show the location of wastewater disposal areas and include OSSF plans. Include
approved permit from either LCRA or Travis County.
9. The locations of backflow preventers.
10. A note stating that all on-site utility materials and work shall conform to the current
plumbing code.
K. Lighting Plan sheets shall include:
1. All site improvements as shown on the site plan.
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2. Approximate range of illumination for each proposed light. Lighting may not cross
property lines.
3. All lighting shall be hooded and project downward.
4. Proposed conduits for wiring of lights.
5. Typical details, including pole height, hooded light fixture and foot-candle emission.
6. Plan sheet must be certified.
L. Detention/Water Quality Pond sheets shall include:
1. A drainage area map.
2. All existing and proposed easements. Ponds may not encroach into PUE’s.
3. Proposed pond location.
4. Proposed grading.
5. Location of existing trees.
6. Water surface elevations shown on all sections.
7. Access drive for maintenance.
8. Proposed rip-rap for pond outfalls.
9. A cross-section of the proposed ponds, as necessary, to depict all design features (splitter
box, weirs, etc.).
10. Runoff/capture calculations.
11. A summary table of supportive calculations for hydrology, hydraulics, control outlet
structures, etc.
12. Pond volume tables.
13. Label top of clean out elevations (at least one must be accessible for cleaning when the
pond is full).
14. The specifications on the proposed water quality basin materials.
15. Construction details.
16. All exposed concrete must be faced with stone, stucco or other material approved by the
17. Landscape plan to screen ponds from adjacent properties.
18. Show proposed fencing (include a detail).
M. Landscape Plan sheets shall include:
1. All site improvements as shown on the site plan (without text).
2. All disturbed areas shall be revegetated to the hard surface of the street. Provide a note
that states sod or specialized turf reinforcement matting shall be required for slopes from
4:1 to 2:1. Slopes greater than 2:1 shall be structurally stabilized unless otherwise
approved by the City Engineer.
3. Existing and proposed contours.
4. The location of proposed trees, shrubs and grass. A minimum 5-foot deep landscaping
area shall abut the front and at least 12-feet down the sides of the building.
5. All parking islands shall have a tree.
6. A table showing required and provided landscaping. Include a symbol, abbreviation, size,
quantity and description of proposed landscaping.
7. A table showing credit for existing trees (if applicable).
8. Off-street parking areas and ponds must be screened from adjacent properties with dense
9. The location of any proposed signage (with minimum 120 ft
of landscaping at base).
10. The location of any proposed lighting.
11. The landscape notes.
12. Installation details.
13. Plan sheet must be certified.
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N. Irrigation Plan sheets shall include:
1. All site improvements as shown on the site plan (without text).
2. Location and type of each sprinkler head (use of a legend is acceptable). Irrigation heads
are not allowed within the right-of-way but heads should be designed to irrigate the right-
3. The size of all lines.
4. The pattern of each sprinkler head.
5. Location of the controller.
6. Location of all valves.
7. Location and size of water meters and backflow preventers.
8. Irrigation notes.
9. Details and specifications on all system components.
10. Must be sealed by a licensed irrigator.
O. Propane Gas sheets shall include:
1. Location, dimension and volume of tank.
2. Gas line locations.
3. Existing and proposed easements.
4. Underground utility, paving and drainage improvements.
5. Screening and landscaping.
6. Grading.
7. Approval/applicable permits from the Texas Railroad Commission.
P. Construction Detail sheets shall include:
1. All items of construction, including structural walls in excess of 4-feet in height.
Building & Development Services
1102 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX 78734
Phone: (512) 314-7540 Fax: (512) 314-7541
Page 1 of 7
General Notes:
1. All responsibility for the adequacy of these plans remains with the engineer who prepared them.
In accepting these plans, the City of Lakeway must rely upon the adequacy of the work of the
design engineer.
2. All improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plan set. Any
subsequent changes will require a plan revision and approval from the City prior to construction.
3. The City of Lakeway has reviewed this plan for compliance with City development regulations
only. The applicant, property owner, and occupant of the premises are responsible for
determining whether the plan complies with all other laws, regulations, and restrictions that may
be applicable to the property and its use.
4. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Acceptance, the design engineer must certify in writing that
all work has been completed per the approved plan set.
5. Prior to occupancy of any building, all City of Lakeway site and building comments must be
cleared, the wastewater disposal system accepted by the proper authority, all required
easements and restrictive covenants must be recorded, and a Certificate of Acceptance and
Certificate of Occupancy must be issued by the City of Lakeway.
6. The property owner is responsible for proper operation and maintenance of on-site stormwater
detention and water quality ponds and related facilities.
7. The property owner is responsible for proper maintenance of off-site stormwater and drainage
facilities constructed and permitted with this project.
8. Contractor is responsible for contacting utility companies to verify locations of all utilities. The
"one-call" system does not apply to all utilities in the City of Lakeway's jurisdiction.
9. Design procedures are in complete compliance with the City of Lakeway Code of Ordinances,
the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual, and the City of Austin Drainage and
Environmental Criteria Manuals, as adopted by the City of Lakeway.
10. A pre-construction meeting shall take place before issuance of a permit and before construction
may begin.
11. All construction operations shall be accomplished in accordance with applicable regulations of
the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
12. Contractor is fully responsible for following the requirements of the Texas Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices for all signage and work in a public or private right-of-way.
13. All site work must also comply with the City's environmental requirements.
14. Trees & brush cleared from a site shall be mulched or hauled off-site within 48 hours of being
cut. Mulch piles may not exceed a depth of 18-inches. Failure to do so subjects the entire
project to a red tag until the mulching or hauling is complete.
15. Safety railing shall be provided for all vertical elevation changes from 30-inches in height up to
and including 5’-11” in height. Any elevation difference 6-feet and greater must have a
guardrail (wrought iron fence).
16. Exterior lighting shall be hooded or shielded to direct lighting down and away from view of
adjacent properties. Lighting shall not project across a property line.
17. Project shall comply with the City of Lakeway Sign Ordinance.
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18. Prior to issuing building permits, approvals from various other agencies may be required by the
City of Lakeway.
19. A set of approved construction drawings and a copy of the SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan) report must be available and located at the project site at all times. No work
can proceed without the drawings and the SWPPP as hereby required. A copy of the weekly
SWPPP inspection report must also be on site and submitted to the City.
20. Contractor shall not stockpile any material within any buffer zone.
21. Any required regulatory permits shall be acquired and submitted to the City prior to construction
Construction Sequencing: [typical, conditions may require modifications]
1. Install construction fencing, stabilized construction entrance, erosion controls and tree
protection fencing per approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control/Tree Protection Plan.
2. Install temporary erosion controls and tree protection fencing per the approved Erosion and
Sedimentation Control/Tree Protection Plan.
3. The Contractor shall arrange and coordinate acceptable meeting times for an on-site pre-
construction meeting with the owner, project engineer, relevant contractors, relevant utility
representatives, and the City Engineer. At this meeting, the City shall verify that all erosion and
sediment controls and tree protection are in place, that construction drawings and the SWPPP
are located on site, and that the SWPPP permits have been issued. The City may then issue
the Subdivision Improvement Permit.
4. Begin site clearing.
5. Rough cut water quality and detention ponds. Ponds must be functional and intercept site run-
off. Failure of the contractor to install the temporary or rough-graded functional water quality
pond will subject the entire project to a red tag with no further work until the City accepts the
6. Rough grade site in accordance with plans and specifications.
7. Install utility improvements.
8. Construct building foundations.
9. Construct all-weather driving surface.
10. Construct building(s).
11. Complete grading, drainage and paving.
12. Obtain City approval of topsoil prior to placing seed, sod, matting or hydromulch.
13. Complete water quality and detention ponds.
14. Hydromulch or sod all disturbed areas and clean up site.
15. Final clearing of erosion and sedimentation controls and storm drain structures.
16. Project engineer inspects job and submits the engineer’s concurrence letter.
17. City visits site and issues Certificate of Acceptance only if all construction is in substantial
conformance to the plans.
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Utility Companies:
Contractors must be able to certify that all utility companies have been notified at least forty-eight
(48) hours in advance of proposed cuts or trenches in the street right-of-ways or public utility
easements, and that utility lines in the immediate vicinity of the project have been identified and, if
necessary, located and marked on the ground at a site before you dig in any public utility easement
or street right-of-way. "One-Call" through the City of Austin or Southwestern Bell does not cover all
of the utility companies in the City of Lakeway. The following is a list of the utility service providers
(contractor to verify proper telephone numbers):
For pre-construction meetings for all development in Lakeway Proper call 870-5185
For pre-construction meetings for development along RR 620 (including ETJ) call 870-5214.
For Utility Line Location call 1-800-344-8377
For pre-construction meetings call 505-7649
For Utility Line Location call 505-7542
For pre-construction meetings call 219-2602 ext. 7420
For Utility Line Location call 1-800 344-8377
For pre-construction meetings call 485-6433
For Utility Line Location call 485-6356
For pre-construction meetings call 261-6222
For Utility Line Location call 261-6222 ext 10
For pre-construction meetings call 261-6281
For Utility Line Location call 261-6281
For pre-construction meetings call 266-1111
For Utility Line Location call 266-1111
LP Gas Division call 936-4268 (for subdivisions with 10 or more lots to be served with propane)
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Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Notes:
1. The contractor shall install erosion/sedimentation controls and tree/natural area protective
fencing prior to any site preparation work (clearing, grubbing or excavation). See Sheet ____
for erosion/sedimentation control details. NOTE: T posts are to be spaced 5’ apart on center.
2. The placement of erosion/sedimentation controls and tree/natural area protective fencing shall
be in accordance with the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control/Tree Protection Plan.
No erosion controls shall be placed beyond the property lines of the site unless written
permission has been obtained from adjacent property owners.
3. The contractor is required to inspect the controls at weekly intervals and after significant rainfall
events to ensure that they are functioning properly. The person(s) responsible for maintenance
of controls shall immediately make any necessary repairs to damaged areas. Silt accumulation
at controls must be removed when the depth reaches six (6) inches.
4. Prior to final acceptance by the City, haul roads and waterway crossing constructed for
temporary contractor access must be removed, accumulated sediment removed from the
waterway and the area restored to the original grade and revegetated. All land clearing debris
shall be disposed of in approved spoil disposal sites.
5. Any dirt, mud, rocks, debris, etc., that is spilled, tracked, or otherwise deposited on any existing
paved street shall be cleaned up immediately.
6. The Code Enforcement Officer, City Engineer or designated City Inspector has the authority to
require additional erosion/sedimentation controls or tree protection before or during
7. Prior to construction all trees over roadways and construction areas may be trimmed to 13½-
feet in height.
8. All fabric for Erosion/Sedimentation Controls shall be a minimum of 6-oz per square foot.
Permanent Erosion and Sedimentation Notes:
1. All disturbed areas shall be restored to the hard surface of the street as noted below.
2. Sod or an approved erosion control matting shall be installed on all disturbed areas with a
finished grade of 4:1 to 2:1. Slopes greater than 2:1 shall be structurally stabilized unless
otherwise approved by the city engineer.
3. All disturbed areas on the entire project (such as areas that have been driven on, graded, used
for storage of anything and are not in the exact condition that existed prior to construction) shall
have a minimum of three (3) inches of topsoil placed prior to revegetation.
4. Topsoil shall be clean, friable, fertile soil with a relatively high erosion resistance, free of
objectionable materials including roots and rocks larger than one (1) inch. Topsoil shall not
contain caliche or limestone. Topsoil shall be readily able to support the growth of planting,
seeding and sodding, as accepted by the City.
5. A minimum of three (3) inches of topsoil shall be placed in all drainage channels and high
velocity erosion control matting shall be placed on the channel bottom and up the slope to an
elevation of a minimum of 6” above the 100-year flood plain.
6. Prior to the placement of sod, seed, erosion control matting or hydromulch, the contractor shall
contact the City and request an on-site inspection of the topsoil. Failure to get this
inspection/approval can cause the topsoil and vegetation to be replaced.
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7. The seeding for permanent erosion control shall be applied over areas disturbed by
construction as follows:
a. From September 15 to March 1, seeding shall be with a combination of two (2) pound
per 1000 square feet of unhulled Bermuda and ten (10) pounds per 1000 square feet of
Winter Rye with purity of 95% with 90% germination.
b. From March 2 to September 14, seeding shall be with hulled Bermuda at a rate of eight
(8) pounds per 1000 square feet with a purity of 95% with 85% germination.
8. Fertilizer shall have an analysis of 15-15-15 and shall be applied at the rate of 100 pounds per
9. Immediately upon completion of hydromulching operations, the contractor shall furnish to the
City or design engineer a copy of a written certification from the hydromulch applicator stating
the amounts of seed and fertilizer applied. The certification shall contain the name, address
and phone number of the applicator and be signed by the applicator. No Certificate of
Acceptance shall be issued without the required certification.
10. The planted area shall be irrigated or sprinkled in a manner that will not erode the topsoil, but
will sufficiently soak the soil to a depth of six inches. The irrigation shall occur at a minimum of
seven (7) day intervals during the first two months. Rainfall occurrences of ½ inch or more
shall postpone the watering schedule for one week.
11. Mulch type used shall be either cellulose fiber, applied at a rate of 2,000 pounds per acre, or
wood fiber mulch, applied at a rate of 2,500 pounds per acre.
12. Restoration shall be acceptable when the grass has grown at least 1½ inches high with 95%
coverage, provided no bare spots larger than 9 square feet exist. Grass must be deep green in
color to be acceptable; brown grass is the same as no grass.
13. When required, native grass seeding shall comply with the requirements of the City of Austin
Environmental Criteria Manual.
14. All constructed and altered drainage channels shall be stabilized and vegetated immediately
after final grading.
Tree Protection Notes:
1. All trees not located within the limits of construction and outside of disturbed areas shall be
2. All trees and natural areas shown within the limits of construction to be preserved shall be
protected during construction with temporary fencing.
3. Protective fences shall be installed prior to the start of any site preparation work (clearing,
grubbing or grading), and shall be maintained throughout all phases of the construction project.
4. Erosion and sedimentation control barriers shall be installed or maintained in a manner which
does not result in soil build-up within tree driplines.
5. Protective fences shall surround the trees or group of trees and will be located at the outermost
limit of branches (dripline), or, for natural areas, protective fences shall follow the Limit of
Construction line, in order to prevent the following:
a. soil compaction in the root zone area resulting from vehicular traffic or storage of
equipment or materials;
b. root zone disturbance due to grade changes;
c. wounds to exposed roots, trunk or limbs by mechanical equipment;
d. other activities detrimental to trees such as chemical storage, cement truck cleaning,
and fires.
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6. Exceptions to installing fences at tree driplines may be permitted in the following cases:
a. where there is to be an approved grade change, impermeable paving surface tree well,
or other such site development, erect the fence approximately 2 to 4 feet behind the
area in question;
b. where permeable paving is to be installed within a tree’s dripline, erect the fence at the
outer limits of the permeable paving area (prior to site grading so that this area is
graded separately prior to paving installation to minimize root damage);
c. where trees are close to proposed buildings, erect the fence to allow 6 to 10 feet of work
space between fence and the building;
7. Where any of the above exceptions result in a fence being closer than 4 feet to a tree trunk,
protect the trunk with strapped-on planking to a height of 8 feet (or to the limits of lower
branching) in addition to the reduced fencing provided.
8. Trees approved for removal shall be removed in a manner which does not impact trees to be
9. Any roots exposed by construction activity shall be pruned flush with the soil. Backfill root areas
with good quality top soil as soon as possible. If exposed root areas are not backfilled within 2
days, cover them with organic material in a manner which reduces soil temperature and
minimizes water loss due to evaporation.
10. No landscape topsoil dressing greater than 4 inches shall be permitted within the dripline of
trees. No soil is permitted on the root flare of any tree.
11. Pruning to provide clearance for structures, vehicular traffic and equipment shall take place
before damage occurs (ripping of branches, etc.).
12. All pruned limbs of oak trees shall be painted with pruning seal immediately after cutting. Any
broken limbs of oak trees shall be cut clean and painted with pruning seal immediately after
13. Deviations from the above notes may be considered ordinance violations if there is substantial
non-compliance or if a tree sustains damage as a result.
14. Prior to construction, all trees over roadways and construction areas may be trimmed to 13½-
feet in height.
Americans with Disabilities Act:
The design engineer is responsible for submitting the drawings to the Architectural Barriers Division
of the Texas Dept. of Licensing and Regulation for review and approval of the plans in accordance
with the Architectural Barriers Act. The engineer is relieved of the submittal responsibility if a
registered architect handles the submittal; however, the grading and site plan must comply with the
referenced Act, which is the engineer's responsibility.
Landscape Notes: [in addition to designer’s notes]
1. The property owner, manager, agent or lessee shall be responsible for maintenance of the
landscaped areas. Plants and grass shall present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance and be
free of debris, refuse and disease.
2. All materials and installations shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the landscaping
requirements of the City of Lakeway.
3. All landscaping items shall be installed as shown on the drawings and in accordance with the
landscaping requirements of the City of Lakeway. No materials shall be planted other than those
shown on the drawings.
Page 7 of 7
4. All responsibility for the adequacy of these plans remains with the person who prepared them. In
accepting these plans, the City of Lakeway must rely upon the adequacy of the work of the
Irrigation Notes: [in addition to designer’s notes]
1. All materials and installations shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the City’s
ordinances, local plumbing code and the State of Texas.
2. All responsibility for the adequacy of these plans remains with the person who prepared them. In
accepting these plans, the City of Lakeway must rely upon the adequacy of the work of the
Fire Department Notes:
See Travis County ESD #6 (Lake Travis Fire Rescue).
Building & Development Services
1102 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX 78734
Phone: (512) 314-7540 Fax: (512) 314-7541
Page 1 of 3
The following certification blocks shall be provided on the cover sheet of all construction plan
Recommended for Approval By: (Use applicable signature blocks only)
City of Lakeway, Code Official
City of Lakeway, City Engineer
Lake Travis Fire Rescue
Lakeway MUD
Hurst Creek MUD
Travis County TNR
City Development Permit Number
Travis County Permit Number
TXDOT Permit Number
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Engineer's Certification:
I, the undersigned professional engineer in the State of Texas, do hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that
all required documents enclosed are accurate and complete and that the provisions contained on this plan comply with
the development ordinances and drainage policies adopted by the City of Lakeway and other Federal, State, County, and
local regulations in effect on this date.
(seal) Registered Professional Engineer
Registration No. ___________________
Company Name
Phone and Fax Number
The 100-year floodplain is fully contained within the drainage easements shown hereon.
Engineer's Responsibility Note:
All responsibility for the adequacy of these plans remains with the engineer who prepared them. In accepting these
plans, the City of Lakeway must rely on the adequacy of the work of the design engineer.
Owner’s Acknowledgement:
I, , hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the plan notes on all attached drawings
regarding my responsibilities as owner.
Owner’s signature
Surveyor's Certification:
I, , am authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to practice the profession of surveying and
hereby certify that the notes, information, and provisions contained on this plan comply with the survey requirements of
the development ordinances adopted by the City of Lakeway, and was prepared from a survey made on the ground
under my direct supervision.
(seal) Registered Professional Land Surveyor
Registration No. ___________________
Company Name
Phone and Fax Number
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Plan Revision Block:
Revise (R), Add
(A) or Void (V)
Sheet No.’s
Total #
in Plan
Cover (ft
Total Site
Cover (ft
and %)
City of