To request an absentee ballot, a registered voter or voter’s near relative or verifiable legal guardian must complete and sign this
form. If you are not registered to vote in your county of residence, you must register to vote no later than 25 days prior to the date
of the election. You can submit a voter registration form with this request. Prior to completing the form, review the instructions
• Provide your full legal name.
• Provide your date of birth.
• Provide one of the following:
o North Carolina driver license number or non-operator identification card number; or
o last four digits of your Social Security number
• Provide your current residential address. (Your North Carolina residential address is required so you get the
correct ballot.)
• Please provide your email address or a telephone number in case we have a question concerning this request.
Note: This form will be used to update the above information if it is different from your voter record.
• Indicate the election you are requesting an absentee ballot for and the address where you would like your ballot
mailed. Also, indicate if you would like to request absentee ballots for all elections held during this calendar year
in which you are eligible to vote due to continued or expected illness or disability.
• Partisan Primary Requests: If you are requesting a by-mail ballot for a partisan primary and you are not affiliated
with a political party, provide your primary ballot preference. You may select a ballot of one of the recognized
political parties that allow unaffiliated voters to participate in their primary or a nonpartisan ballot style. In a given
primary, not all ballot choices may be available. Contact your county board of elections to determine available
ballot options.
Information on Who Can Assist You in Completing this Request Form
• All voters: All voters are entitled to assistance from their near relative or verifiable legal guardian. If you are a
near relative or verifiable legal guardian requesting an absentee ballot on behalf of the voter, you must list your
name and address. A near relative is defined as the voter’s:
• Voters Who Are Blind, Disabled, or Unable to Read or Write: If a voter needs assistance in completing the
written request form due to blindness, disability, or inability to read or write and there is not a near relative or legal
guardian available to assist that voter, the voter may request some other person give assistance. If another person
assists in completing the written request form, that person's name and address must be listed on this form.
• Voters Who Are Patients in any Hospital, Clinic, Nursing Home, or Rest Home (“Facility”): If a registered
voter is a patient in a Facility in North Carolina, a member of a Multipartisan Assistance Team (MAT) authorized
by the county board of elections can assist the voter in completing the request form. Please contact the county
board of elections to request assistance from a MAT. It is unlawful for any owner, manager, director, or employee
of the Facility OTHER than the voter's near relative, verifiable legal guardian, or member of a MAT to request an
absentee ballot on behalf of the voter. If neither the voter’s near relative nor verifiable legal guardian is available,
and a MAT is not available within seven calendar days of a telephonic request for assistance, the voter may obtain
assistance from anyone who is not (1) an owner, manager, director, or employee of the Facility; (2) an elected
official; (3) a candidate; or (4) an officeholder in a political party or a campaign manager or treasurer for a candidate
or political party.
Military &
Complete this section if you are requesting an absentee ballot because you are uniformed services personnel or a
dependent or spouse of uniformed services personnel and you are absent from your North Carolina county of
residence due to military service. You are also eligible to complete this section if you are a civilian and can claim North
Carolina as your state of residence and you are currently outside of the United States.
Special Note: Military and Overseas voters may email (absentee@ncsbe.gov) or fax (919) 715-0351 a signed
copy of this form.
How to
return this
This form must be signed by either the voter or the voter’s near relative/legal guardian.
Absentee request forms may only be returned by the voter, the voter’s near relative or
verifiable legal guardian or a MAT. The form must be delivered in person or by the U.S.
Postal Service or other designated delivery service (DHL, FedEx, or UPS) to the voter’s
county board of elections. Forms may not be faxed or emailed. A completed absentee
request form must be received by the county board of elections not later than
5:00 P.M. on the Tuesday before the election.
Mail to:
Your county board of
elections. Locate the
address on page three of
this form.