MCAL MM-18-142_DHCS Approved 10.18.18_Individual Request for Access to PHI Contained in DRS
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Rev. 09/18
You have the right to inspect your protected health information (PHI) in the Designated Record Set (DRS). You
also have the right to request copies of those records. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days
after we receive the completed form. If the information is not readily available, CalOptima has up to 60 days to
provide you with your PHI. CalOptima may charge a fee of $0.10 per page and any postage fees if you ask for
copies of the records to be mailed to you.
To Request a Copy of Your PHI in a DRS:
1. Fill out the entire form and print clearly. In order to process your request, a photocopy of your valid
photo identification (ID) must be included with your request form.
2. If you would like to appoint another person to have access to or receive your PHI, then you must also
complete the CalOptima Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information form. Requests by
your personal representative are subject to verification.
3. Please select the type of records you need from the list provided. If you are not sure what you need, please
call CalOptima Customer Service toll-free at 1-888-587-8088 for help. .
4. If you were a part of a health network (e.g. Monarch, AltaMed, etc.) during any part of the date range
requested, you should also contact that health network. CalOptima does not have complete copies of
your medical records. If you want to look at or get a copy of your medical records, please contact
your doctor or clinic.
5. If you have any questions about your request, please call CalOptima Customer Service toll-free at
1-888-587-8088, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. TDD/TTY users can call toll-free at
1-800-735-2929. We have staff who speak your language.
6. Your records may be picked up at CalOptima’s office or sent via email or certified postal mail. Requests
for records to be faxed must be approved by CalOptima. Records sent via email will be sent secure
(encrypted) to the email address provided. However, CalOptima is not responsible for loss of PHI on
personal email accounts.