If a nonlawyer will help you in completing forms in this booklet, that person must provide you a copy of the disclosure
on the bottom of this page before beginning. Both you and the nonlawyer helping you must sign the disclosure form. You
should receive a copy to keep and the nonlawyer helping you should keep a copy. This disclaimer does not act as or constitute
a waiver, disclaimer, or limitation of liability.
Anyone assisting you in completing these forms also must put their name, address, and telephone number on the
bottom of the last page of the form. A space is provided on each form for this purpose.
________________________________ told me that he/she is not a lawyer and may not give legal advice or represent me in
________________________________ told me that he/she may only help me fill out a form approved by the Supreme Court
of Florida. ________________________________may only help me by asking me questions to fill in the form.
________________________________may also tell me how to file the form. _________________________________ told
me that he/she is not an attorney and cannot tell me what my rights or remedies are or how to testify in court.
[√ only one]
___ I can read English.
___ I cannot read English, but this disclosure was read to me [fill in both blanks] by
{Name}________________________ in {Language} ____________________, which I understand.