Uniform Support Declaration
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2 (Aug 2019)
b. Premium paid for joint children $
c. Out of pocket medical costs paid for joint children $
d. Subsidies received for health insurance costs $
e. Oregon Health Plan (or other public health insurance) yes no
5. Other
a. Union dues $
b. Social Security or Veteran’s Benefits received for children $
i. Person with disability is: child me other parent
c. Childcare expenses for joint children (12 or younger) $
i. City or ZIP where child care is provided:
ii. Does anyone else share the cost of childcare? yes no
1. Name: Amount: $
6. Rebuttal factors
(The amount of child support is based on statewide guidelines. The guideline amount can
be rebutted (challenged) under OAR 137-050-0760, click here to read the rule:
I am challenging the guideline amount (explain rebuttal factors):
4 most recent pay stubs
Benefit statements
Most recent tax return
Copies of currently effective spousal/partner support, child support, and parenting time
orders or judgments
Proof of health insurance premiums and any subsidies received
Proof of out of pocket medical expenses
Proof of childcare expenses
Evidence supporting any rebuttal factors for child support
I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. I understand they are made for use as evidence in court. I understand I
am subject to penalty for perjury.
Date Signature
Name (printed)
Contact Address City, State, ZIP Contact Phone