b. _____Parenting Plan. The parties shall comply with the Parenting Plan which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit _____.
1. The Court finds that there is a need for child support and that the _____ Mother _____ Father
(hereinafter Obligor) has the present ability to pay child support. The amounts in the Child
Support Guidelines Worksheet, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure Form 12.902(e), filed by
the _____ Mother _____ Father are correct OR the Court makes the following findings:
The Mother’s net monthly income is $ , (Child Support Guidelines ____%).
The Father’s net monthly income is $ , (Child Support Guidelines ____%).
Monthly child care costs are $ .
Monthly health/dental insurance costs are $ .
2. Amount.
Child support established at the rate of $___________ per month for the _______children {total
number of parties’ minor or dependent children} shall be paid commencing _________________
{month, day, year} and terminating ____________________________ {month, day, year}. Child
support shall be paid in the amount of $___________ per ___________ {week, month, other}
which is consistent with the Obligor’s current payroll cycle.
Upon the termination of the obligation of child support for one of the parties’ children, child
support in the amount of $__________for the remaining _____children {total number of
remaining children} shall be paid commencing __________________________ {month, day,
year} and terminating____________________________{month, day, year}. This child support
shall be paid in the amount of $__________ per ___________ {week, month, other} consistent
with Obligor’s current payroll cycle.
{Insert schedule for the child support obligation, including the amount, and commencement
and termination dates, for the remaining minor or dependent children, which shall be payable
as the obligation for each child ceases. Please indicate whether the schedule ____appears
below or ____ is attached as part of this form.}
The Obligor shall pay child support until all of the minor or dependent children: reach the age of
18; become emancipated, marry, join the armed services, die, or become self-supporting; or
until further order of the court or agreement of the parties. The child support obligation shall
continue beyond the age of 18 and until high school graduation for any child who is dependent
in fact, between the ages of 18 and 19, and is still in high school, performing in good faith with a
reasonable expectation of graduation before the age of 19.
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.983(g), Final Judgment of Paternity (03/15)