Judicial Circuit-Local Form-Order of Referral to Family Mediation-Last Revised: April 2015
Based on a review of the file, and/or upon a Motion for Mediation having been filed by ONE OF THE
PARTIES, the Court has determined that mediation may be helpful to resolve the pending issues and hereby
directs the parties as follows:
1. The court appoints, and the parties shall meet with ______________, a Family Mediator, in the Alternative
Dispute Resolution (ADR) Office, Room , BRANCH
Courthouse , (561-355-2739), on @ .
Attendance by
both parties (and counsel if any) is mandatory. This court has the power to and may
impose sanctions on parties or attorneys who fail to attend the session. The parties are directed to
mediate in good faith. Failure to appear for Mediation may result in dismissal of the case, entry of a
default, or such other actions as the court deems appropriate.
El Juez asigna a como Mediador Civil de la Oficina de Resolución de Conflictos (ADR), oficina # ,
Tribunales del Condado de Palm Beach, , (561-355-2739), con quien las partes
deben reunirse el ________@ ______. a las AM/PM La comparecencia de ambas partes (y sus abogados
si es que los tienen) es obligatoria. Este Juez tendrá la facultad de imponer sanciones, si es que alguna
de las partes no se presenta. Las partes deberán participar en esta mediación de buena fe.
Tribinal la apwente l, epi tou de pati yo dwe ale rankontre yon Medyatè pou Fanmiy kin an Biwo
Rezolisyon pou Dispit Altènatif la (ADR), Chanm # , Tribinal Konte Palm Beach la, ,
(561) 355-2739 nan dat @ .. Li obligatwa pou tou de pati yo prezan (ak avoka yo si yo genyan).
Tribinal sa gen pouvwa pou enpoze sanksyon sou tou de pati yo si yo pa vin asiste sesyon an. Yo
mande tou de pati yo pou fè med yasyon an de bòn fwa.
A. Parties MUST pay the mediation fees within ten (10) days of the date of this order, and the receipt
shall be presented to the ADR office at the mediation session.
Select One
Order and Referral to Family Mediation
Case No:
B. Payment must be made by cash, money order, check or Master Card/Visa credit card to the Clerk of the
Courts, at each of the courthouse locations.
C. No family mediation session will be held for any party who fails to make the required payment
unless the party has been found indigent or excused from payment.
D. If the parties have a combined annual income of less than $50,000, each of the parties shall pay the sum
of $60.00.
E. If the parties have a combined annual income greater than $50,000 but less than $100,000.00, each of
the parties shall pay the sum of $120.00.
F. If a party has been found to be indigent, that party shall bring a copy of the Determination of Indigence
Status or appropriate court order to the ADR office, in which case the fee will be waived for that party.
G. If the parties have a combined annual income greater than $100,000.00, parties must utilize private
mediation. Please refer to paragraph 4 of this order for additional instructions.
3. Both parties shall complete and file a notarized Family Law Financial Affidavit with the Clerk of the
Courts at least 10 days prior to mediation. Each party shall bring to mediation a copy of their filed
Family Law Financial Affidavit AND proof of all income and expenses, including but not limited to,
paycheck stubs, income tax return for the most recent year, W-2 forms or 1099 forms, medical
expenses, child care and any other related documents.
4. Either party may file a motion with the Clerk of the Courts to cancel Mediation, in the event the
parties have a combined annual income of over $100,000. The Form Motion can be obtained from the
Self Help Center or the Court’s Website. If needed, this motion must be filed with the Clerk of the
Courts, along with notarized Family Law Financial Affidavit Forms for both parties, providing a copy
to all parties involved in the case.
5. If a Final Judgment of Injunction for Protection against Domestic or Repeat Violence has been
entered or a Domestic Violence or Repeat Violence case is pending that prohibits contact between the
parties, parties shall inform the ADR Program, so accommodations may be made. A Family
Mediation Questionnaire is attached for your convenience. Please complete this Questionnaire and
return it in the self-addressed stamped envelope as soon as possible.
6. If the case is settled prior to mediation, parties MUST file with the Clerk of the Courts, the settlement
agreement along with Parenting Plan and Child Support Guidelines Worksheet, if the case involves minor
children. Parties MUST file the appropriate motion to cancel mediation with the Clerk of the Courts, no
later than seven (7) full business days prior to mediation. Failure to do so will result in imposition of fees
against one or both of the parties. The party who failed to appear shall pay the required fee of $60.00 or
$120.00 to the Clerk of the Court within 15 days of the filing of the mediator’s report. If both parties fail to
appear, each shall pay the $60.00 or $120.00 to the Clerk of the Court within 15 days of the filing of the
mediators report.
Order and Referral to Family Mediation
Case No:
Si el caso se resuelve antes de la mediación, el Demandante será responsable de cancelar la cita tan pronto
como le sea posible. La Notificación de Cancelación deberá ser entregada a ADR, por lo menos con siete
(7) días hábiles de anticipación. La falta de hacerlo resultará en la imposición de costos a una o a las dos
partes. La parte que no ha comparecido deberá pagar los costos requeridos de $60.00 o de $120.00 a los
Secretarios del Tribunal, dentro de los quince días siguientes al registro del reporte del mediador. Si las
dos partes no han comparecido, cada una pagará los $60.00 o los $120.00 a los Secretarios del Tribunal,
dentro de los quince días siguientes al registro del reporte del mediador.
Si ka a rezoud avan medyasyon an, Demandè a responsab pou li anile randevou a pi vit ke posib. Se pou fè
ADR konnen wap anile ka a omwen (7) jou travay davans. Si nou pa fè l yap chaje yon nan nou oswa nou
tou lè de.
7. The Mediator shall prepare a Child Support Guidelines worksheet. If the child support to be paid varies by
more than 5% from the guidelines amount ordered, the Mediator shall require the parties to state the factors
justifying the deviation. See Fla. Stat. §61.30(1)(a).
Pati ki pa parèt la yo mande pou li peye $60.00 Oswa $ 120.00 bay biwo Sekretè Tribinal la pa
pita ke 15 jou de lè ke Medyatè a te depoze rapò a. Si se nou tou le de pati yo ki pa parèt chak ap peye $
60.00 oswa $120.00 bay biwo Sekretè Tribinal la pa pita ke 15 jou de lè ke Medyatè a te depoze rapò a.
8. All discussions, representations and statements made during mediation shall be privileged. Nothing relating
to mediation shall be admitted or testified to at trial. However, the mediator shall file a report with the court
advising whether the parties attended mediation, and whether an agreement was reached.
9. When a mediated agreement is reached, the agreement shall immediately be reduced to writing, signed by
both parties and their attorneys. It is the responsibility of the parties to make sure that a court order is
entered ratifying the agreement.
DONE AND ORDERED this ___day of ____________, _______ in, Palm Beach County, Florida.
Circuit Judge
Copies furnished to:
Alternative Dispute Resolution Office (via Electronic Mail at CAD-Mediation@pbcgov.org)
Name Ad
Order and Referral to Family Mediation
Case No:
INTERPRETERS: It is the responsibility of the party needing an interpreter to bring to court an
interpreter who is certified, language skilled, provisionally approved or who is registered with the Office
of State Court Administrator as required by Rule 2.560 and Rule 2.565 of the Florida Rules of Judicial
Administration. For further information or for assistance locating an interpreter, please visit our website
at http://15thcircuit.co.palm-beach.fl.us/web/guest/court-interpreters. Persons unable to obtain an
interpreter may bring someone to assist. The Court shall determine if they are qualified to interpret the
INTÉRPRETES: Si una parte litigante necesita un intérprete, es su responsabilidad traer consigo al
tribunal un intérprete certificado, aprobado provisionalmente, capacitado en idiomas, o que este
registrado con la Oficina Administrativa del Tribunal Estatal, conforme a la Regla 2.560, y la Regla
2.565, de las Reglas Judiciales Administrativas de la Florida. Si requiere más información o necesita
ayuda para localizar un intérprete, por favor visite nuestro sitio web en
beach.fl.us/web/guest/court-interpreters. Las personas que no puedan obtener un intérprete, pueden
traer una persona que les pueda asistir. El Juez determinará si la persona está calificada para interpretar
en dicho procedimiento.
ENTÈPRÈT: Selon Règleman 2.560 and Règleman 2.565 Administrasyon Jidisyè Florid, se responsablite
moun ke bezwen entèprèt la ki sipoze mennen yon entèprèt sètifye, kalifye, aprouve provizwaman, oswa
anrejistre ak Biro Administrasyon Tribinal Leta. Pou plis enfòmasyon sou asistans lokalize yon entèprèt,
tanpri vizite sit Entènèt http://15thcircuit.co.palm-beach.fl.us/web/guest/court-interpreters. Moun ki pa
kapab jwenn yon entèprèt gendwa mennen yon moun pou ède. Tribinal la va detèmine si moun sa a
kalifye pou entèprete nan prosedi yo.
Order and Referral to Family Mediation
Case No:
This notice is provided pursuant to Administrative Order No. 2.207-9/12
“If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact
Tammy Anton, Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator, Palm Beach County Courthouse,
205 North Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, Florida 33401; telephone number (561) 355-4380 at
least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this
notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or
voice impaired, call 711.”
“Si usted es una persona minusválida que necesita algún acomodamiento para poder participar en
este procedimiento, usted tiene derecho, sin tener gastos propios, a que se le provea cierta ayuda.
Tenga la amabilidad de ponerse en contacto con Germaine English, 205 N. Dixie Highway, West
Palm Beach, Florida 33401; teléfono número (561) 355-4380, por lo menos 7 días antes de la cita
fijada para su comparecencia en los tribunales, o inmediatamente después de recibir esta
notificación si el tiempo antes de la comparecencia que se ha programado es menos de 7 días; si
usted tiene discapacitación del oído o de la voz, llame al 711.”
Si ou se yon moun ki enfim ki bezwen akomodasyon pou w ka patisipe nan pwosedi sa, ou kalifye
san ou pa gen okenn lajan pou w peye, gen pwovizyon pou jwen kèk èd. Tanpri kontakte
Germaine English, kòòdonatè pwogram Lwa pou ameriken ki Enfim yo nan Tribinal Konte Palm
Beach la ki nan 205 North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401; telefòn li se (561)
355-4380 nan 7 jou anvan dat ou gen randevou pou parèt nan tribinal la, oubyen imedyatman
apre ou fin resevwa konvokasyon an si lè ou gen pou w parèt nan tribinal la mwens ke 7 jou; si ou
gen pwoblèm pou w tande oubyen pale, rele 711.”
Order and Referral to Family Mediation
Case No:
Please complete this Questionnaire and return it in the self-addressed stamped envelope as soon as
possible. The following questions relate to you and the other person in this case. This form and any other
communications with the mediator are confidential and privileged to the extent provided by sections 44.401-
44.406, Florida Statutes.
Mediation is a process in which two people work together with a neutral third person (the mediator) to discuss
the issues in their case to try to work them out. Mediation often occurs with both people in the same room.
1. Are you afraid of the other person? □ Yes □ No
2. Is contact between you and the other person limited by a court order (such as an injunction,
a no contact order in a criminal case, etc.)? □ Yes □ No
3. Do you believe you can express your needs and concerns in the presence of the other person
and the mediator? □ Yes □ No
4. If you have children, do you believe you can express the needs and concerns of your
children in the presence of the other person and the mediator? □ Yes □ No
5. If you answered no to question 3 or question 4, would you be able to express your needs
and concerns and those of your children with the mediator only? □ Yes □ No
6. Do you believe that during mediation you would be intimidated by the other person into
accepting an unfair result? □ Yes □ No
OTHER COMMENTS: ______________________________________________________________________
According to Florida Statute 44.102(2)(c): “. . . Upon motion or request of a party, a court shall not refer any
case to mediation if it finds there has been a history of domestic violence that would compromise the mediation
___________________________ ____________________ ___________________________________
Your Signature Today’s Date Case #
___________________________ _________________ _______________________ _________________
Printed Name Phone: Email Date of Mediation
ADR Program, Main Courthouse, 205 N. Dixie Hwy., West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-2739, FX: (561)
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