State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System
Form CR-65 7/2016
Page 5.
(Instructions for Petitioner)
(Section 15-27-1 et seq., Code of Alabama 1975)
The Petitioner must fully complete the entire title section
(above the black line) of the Petition.
The first line refers to the circuit court of the county in which
the Petition is to be filed—the Petition must be filed in the
county where the Petitioner was arrested or where the case was
disposed. For example: A municipal case in Huntsville, AL
would be properly filed in the Circuit Court of Madison
The second line must match the title of the underlying case—
the case the Petitioner is petitioning to have expunged.
The “Petitioner” section must be completed in full with the
Petitioner’s CURRENT contact information.
The Petitioner must list the full case number of the underlying
case—the case the Petitioner is petitioning to have expunged.
There may be more than one charge on any given case number,
but each petition must be limited to one charge. If the
Petitioner seeks to have each charge expunged, the Petitioner
must fill out a separate petition for each charge.
The bottom half of the page asks two qualifying questions
about the underlying case. Cases eligible for expungement
satisfy one of the options completing the first statement AS
WELL AS one of the options completing the second
statement. Note that some of the options completing the
second statement are limited to certain circumstances. The
Petitioner must check one, and only one, option to complete
each of the two statements.
The first paragraph on page 2 refers to attachments to the
Petition. Ala. Code § 15-27-3(b) requires, as a minimum, that
petitioners include BOTH a certified record relating to the
charge from the local entity (either law enforcement or court)
AND a certified criminal record from the state agency (the
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency). Accordingly, this
Petition will be processed even if only the minimum
information required under the statute is supplied;
HOWEVER, the expungement order may be impossible to
fully carry out if the Court and the Alabama Law Enforcement
Agency are not made aware of the location of ALL records
relating to the underlying charge. It is, therefore,
recommended that the Petitioner attach to the Petition certified
copies of arrest, booking, or incarceration records from ALL
law enforcement agencies (city, county, and state), and
certified copies of case action summaries or dispositions from
ALL court clerks (municipal, district, and circuit) who may
hold records of any kind relating to the underlying case.
The second paragraph on page 2 corresponds to a section of
the statute which requires that petitioners specify the listed
items. A response is required as to each point. If any of the
items do not apply, the Petitioner must specify that they do
not apply and, if possible, why they do not apply. The
Petitioner must include an address for each agency,
department, etc. listed. Additional pages may be attached if
The final paragraph of page 2 relates to the disposition of the
underlying case. Any and all conditions of the court of
disposition must be satisfied in order for the charge to be
eligible for expungement. This includes ANY and ALL fines
fees or other payments to the court.
The final page is an averment under oath that the entire
Petition is true and correct and that the Petitioner is eligible
for expungement, and includes information from the
Petitioner about other expungement petitions. Intentionally
giving false information to the Court may carry penalties.
All previous petitions for expungement must be disclosed.
Additional pages may be attached, if necessary.
The Petitioner must sign this document under oath and the
signature must be verified by an official authorized to
administer oaths or notary public.
At the bottom of page 3 is a section for information about the
Petitioner’s attorney and for the attorney’s signature. If the
Petitioner IS represented by an attorney, the attorney must
sign where indicated. If the Petitioner IS NOT represented
by an attorney, “pro se” must be indicated under the
Petitioner’s signature.
Ala. Code § 15-27-3(c) requires the Petitioner to serve the
“district attorney, the law enforcement agency, and clerk of
court of the jurisdiction for which the records are sought to
be expunged.” The Petitioner is relied upon to provide the
Court and ultimately the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
information necessary to contact every court, law
enforcement agency or other entity in possession of records
the Petitioner seeks to have expunged.
The Petitioner must certify to the Court that each of the
courts, agencies, or other entities holding records relating to
the underlying case has been served. Page 4 is a form
certification for the courts, agencies, or other entities served
with this Petition and their addresses. Additional pages may
be attached if necessary.
NOTE: Any information (including mailing addresses)
provided regarding courts, agencies, or other entities holding
records relating to the underlying case will expedite the
execution of an expungement order if one is entered.