1. If you are not completely sure of your educational
goal and/or program of study, please meet with a
counselor who can assist. ere are many resources,
services, and program available at RCC just for
you. is can save valuable time in receiving your
disbursements in a timely manner.
2. Selecting the appropriate program of study is
critical as it will outline courses that you need to
take in order to receive benets and reach your goal
in the shortest amount of time as possible.
a. AS/AA – You are planning to get an
Associate Degree from RCC.
b. BS/BA – You are planning to transfer to
a four year institution after completing lower
division and major prep at RCC – you must
indicate major and institution you wish to
c. Certicate – You are planning to complete a
vocational certicate program at RCC.
3. Stop by TRIO on the second oor of the Charles
A. Kane (CAK) Building and ask about the STAR
program. Please talk to the designated Veteran’s
4. If you are determined to be a non–resident for
tuition purposes and you are using Veterans
educational benets, you may be able to apply
for re-classication of residency status. e
U.S. Department of Veterans Aairs (VA) does
not cover non-resident tuition in educational
benet payments. To change status, students
must complete the Supplemental Residency
Questionnaire Form along with supporting
documentation. is must be done before the end
of the term you wish to be considered for resident
tuition and submitted to the Riverside City College
Admissions & Records oce.
5. You are encouraged to stop by the Veteran’s
Resource Center if you have any questions or need
Congratulations on your decision to attend Riverside
City College which has been designated as a Military
Friendly School. We look forward to working with you
as you achieve your academic goals. Many of us are
veterans too and are here to help you.
is form is required of all students seeking
to access VA Benets through Riverside City
College. It is the student’s responsibility to
complete this form and return to the Veteran’s
Resource Center (VRC) as soon as they are
registered for courses to prevent being dropped
for non-payment and to proceed with processing
of veteran benets. In addition, it is the student’s
responsibility to respond to notices sent by the
VRC oce in a timely manner if additional or
updated forms are required.
Cover page to be kept by student as proof of submission.
Date submitted:
Submited to:
VRC Representative Initial