Bachelor Degree Internship Program
__________________________ and _____________________________
(Student) (Business/ Agency)
Prerequisite: Internship Eligibility Application must be approved (attach copy). Please type all forms.
Students are responsible for TYPING all information on the ILA, seeking signatures only from the faculty and
site supervisors, and returning the completed ILA to the academic department prior to the start date of the
internship. The school secretaries enroll students in the appropriate internship course.
This agreement may be terminated for just cause by any of the persons signing this agreement, and each agrees
to give a two week notice, where circumstances permit, to all other parties prior to termination.
Number of credits to be earned for internship: _________ credits
Term/year* in which you are seeking credit (Check one): Spring Summer Fall Year 20___
* Term must match time period in which most or all of internship is underway.
Dates of Internship: _________________ to ____________________. ___ PAID ___ UNPAID*
(month/day/year) (month/day/year)
If this is a paid internship please indicate: hourly wage $___.___ or stipend* amount _______ per/_____
*NOTE: Unpaid internships and those with stipends require an Affiliation Agreement
Important Reminders:
1. The faculty supervisor or the faculty member designated to approve internships in the department from
which one is seeking credit is the ONLY person who can give initial approval of an internship for academic
2. To ensure proper internship credit, the Internship Learning Agreement (ILA) MUST be completed and
signed by the student, faculty supervisor, and site supervisor. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the
site supervisor’s signature after the faculty supervisor’s signature has been obtained. The faculty supervisor
then attaches the Eligibility Application to the ILA and returns it to the school secretary of the department
granting credit. The school secretary obtains signatures from first the dean, and then the VPAA. Upon receipt
of the VPAA signature, the school secretary will register the student for the internship.
3. DEADLINES for submission of Internship Learning Agreement: Dec. 1 for spring semester
internship; May 1 for summer; Aug. 1 for fall semester.
NOTE: If a student secures an internship after these deadlines have passed, he/she needs to immediately
contact the faculty supervisor to seek approval for the internship. If deadlines are passed, a late fee may be
State University of New York
College of Agriculture and Technology
Cobleskill, New York