19. If you teach distance education classes, how much training in the Learning
Management System (LMS) do you anticipate needing in order to transition to Moodle? (If
you do not teach DE, please skip this question.)
20. Please describe any ways students are currently using, or couldbe using, wireless
networking in your classroom.
21. Which building or outdoor space do you feel should have the greatest priority for
future installation of wireless access? (Please indicate which campus, SLO or NCC.)
22. The Technology Committee is consideringthe next step to take towards centralized
funding for technology. Please prioritize the order in which you would like to see these
technologiesbecome centrally funded and managed so that theywere no longer a
burden/responsibility of individual divisions/departments.
23. Please list any new or emerging technologies you are aware of that are not currently
being used at Cuesta College, but that you feel would be of benefit to faculty, staff, or