State of Illinois
Department of Employment Security
Unemployment Insurance Work Search Explanation
CLI115L Page 1 of 1 Rev. (09/2011)
(Este es un documento importante. Si usted necesita un intérprete, póngase en contacto con su oficina local.)
ABLE TO AND AVAILABLE FOR WORK (Section 500C of the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act)
The law states that you must be able to and available for work during any week for which you claim benefits. This means that,
during the week, you must have been willing, ready and able to accept a suitable job. Normally this means a full-time job.
You are not able to and available for work if:
• You are sick and cannot work on any day.
• You are away on vacation.
• You must stay at home to keep house or care for your family.
• You have retired and will not accept a suitable job.
After losing your last job, you move to and stay in a communit
where your chances of getting a job are definitely not
as good as those in the community you left.
• The kind of wages, hours or work conditions you insist on unreasonably limit the chances of your getting a job.
• Your main occupation is that of a student in attenda
nce at or on vacation from school. However, you may be eligible
for benefits if you are attending an approved training course to help you get a job under specified circumstances. If
you are enrolled in such a course, inform an IDES representative in the Local IDES office.
ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR WORK (Section 500C of the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act)
The law states that you must be actively looking for work on your own initiative. You must register with the Illinois Employment
Service at a local IDES office, or you may register on the Internet at http://illinoisjoblink.illinois.gov.
Your work preferences and
skills will be matched to available job openings. Staff members are available at the IDES offices to provide assistance with
your job search.
In addition, you will be expected to regularly inform IDES about:
What you are doing to find work.
The kind of work you have been seeking.
Your prospects of being hired.
a reco
rd of the dates and places you apply for work. You may obtain a work search document to record your efforts to
find work at a local IDES office or on the Internet at
. If your period of unemployment becomes extended,
you may have to consider altering your requirements to improve your chances of finding work.