Social Security Number Female Male
Last name First name Middle
Current street address
City State ZIP
Home telephone Daytime telephone
Cell phone Email
Name when LAST enrolled
Dates of term LAST attended LAST Academic major
Name of previous advisor
Emergency contact name and telephone
I am active-duty military
No If yes, state current rank
I am the dependent of an active-duty military member (includes National Guard members and reservists)
If yes, state current rank (if applicable)
I previously attended Saint Martin’s University.
I wish to re-enroll
Summer 20
I am wishing to continue my PREVIOUS Major/Minor
I am wishing to change my Major to
Check one of the following:
I left Saint Martin’s University in good standing and attended no other college(s)
I left Saint Martin’s University in good standing and attended
Dates attended (REQUIRED)
Please forward all academic transcripts from other institutions attended since leaving Saint Martin’s.
I left Saint Martin’s and received a medical withdrawl.
I was suspended from Saint Martin’s University and attended no other college(s)
I was suspended from Saint Martin’s University and attended
Dates attended (REQUIRED)
I wish to be re-admitted to
Main campus
McChord AFB extension
JBLM main extension
When you were last enrolled at Saint Martin’s University, did you receive financial aid?
I declare that the information I have provided is true and complete.
Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit
Please return completed application to:
Saint Martin’s University
Oce of Admissions
5000 Abbey Way SE
Lacey, Washington 98503
Telephone: 360-438-4596 Toll free: 800-368-8803 Fax: 360-412-6189E-mail:
Saint Martin’s is an equal opportunity institution
Saint Martin’s University does not discriminate in the delivery or administration of its educational programs, policies,
scholarship and loan programs, athletic or other University programs on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, marital status,
religious persuasion, national or ethnic origin, handicap or sexual orientation. The University accords all rights and
privileges, programs and activities to all of its students.
Disability accommodation
It is the intent of Saint Martin’s University that all otherwise qualified people have equal access to and benefit from,
the participation in all programs and activities operated by the University. The disability support services director is
responsible for providing services and programs to students with disabilities.
For more information, contact:
Oce of Disability Support Services
Telephone/voicemail: 360-438-4580 TTY: 360-438-4556
Student Right-to-Know Act
Saint Martin’s University adheres to the requirements of the Federal Student Right-to-Know Act in providing certain
information about the University. Information on the institution, academics, financial assistance, graduation rates,
institutional security policies and crime statistics, and athletic program participation rates and financial support data is
available on the University website,
For questions or additional information, contact:
Dean of Student Aairs
Telephone: 360-438-4367
Campus security information
Saint Martin’s University is required to publish and distribute an annual report of campus crime statistics and security
policies in compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. This
information is tabulated daily and published in a report each fall that is widely distributed. The report includes incidents
of federal oenses reported for the past three years on the Saint Martin’s campus subdivided by geographic location.
Included in the annual report are policy statements and program descriptions pertaining to the University’s campus
The report is available by request from:
Oce of Campus Safety and Security
Telephone: 360-438-4555