Front Range Community College abides by the Colorado Department of Higher Education Tuition Classification
Guidelines, Colorado Tuition Classification law, and Colorado Revised Statutes pertaining to military law at http://
Student ID: Term (check one):
Fall Spring
Student Name: Phone
Address (Street, City, State and Zip):
I understand that my college-assigned CCCS email is the official means of communication for FRCC. I am responsible for
checking my email account via eWOLF for updates.
Military Member’s Name (if not student):
Military Member’s SSN:
I understand and agree to the following FRCC conditions governing tuition rates for military personnel and dependents:
• The completed form must be submitted NO LATER than 30 days after the start of your first class for each term in which
you are enrolling. Failure to do so will result in a non-resident tuition assessment and waiver of the right to an appeal.
• You must adhere to payment deadlines pending a decision regarding your eligibility.
Student Signature: Date:
I certify that is an active duty member of the U.S. / Canadian (circle one)
armed forces AND has a permanent/temporary (circle one) duty station in Colorado at .
This duty commenced on (date) and will terminate on (date) .
I certify that is a member of the Colorado National Guard AND is stationed in Colorado at
This duty commenced on (date) and will terminate on (date) .
I certify that the information provided is accurate:
Base Education Officer Signature: Date:
Typed/Printed Name and Title:
Office or Command:
Phone: Email:
lease submit completed form to
Military Certification
for Tuition Classification
FRCC Office use only:
Approved / Denied Authorized signature Date:
date by the Office of the Registrar 07.01.2016