Office of the Provost
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
552 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1606
Tel: (716) 645-3594 www.provost.buffalo.edu/facultyaffairs
Recruitment Funding Request
I. Information about School Hiring Primary Recruit Faculty Member
Requested b
(Name and School)
II. Information About Primary Recruit
Faculty Member
Name of
the person we are attempting to recruit:
Current or proposed title:
Anticipated appointment date of recruited faculty (if applicable):
III. Information about Accompanying Spouse/ Partner
Name of the accompanying partner:
Proposed department or office:
Proposed title:
If faculty, proposed rank and initial salary:
If staff, proposed salary class and grade:
Anticipated appointment or start date of recruitment:
V. Other Information
Please attach resumes/CVs of the faculty member being recruited and the accompanying
On a separ
ate sheet, please provide a brief statement of the reason(s) for the request. In particular,
please advise as to: qualifications and strengths of the primary faculty member and the
accompanying spouse/partner, the needs of the department(s) hiring the primary faculty member, the
needs of the department or office seeking to hire the accompanying spouse/partner, and, if
appropriate, any other relevant considerations, such as how the arrangement will advance the
mission of the University.