Office SSB-330
Telephone: (310) 287-4317
Applicant Information
Student ID Application Term:
❑Fall ❑Spring
Last First Middle
City State Zip Code
Alternate #
College Email
Date of Birth
Email Address
Citizenship ❑ U.S. Citizen
❑ Male Status ❑ Non-Citizen
❑ African American/ ❑ Asian American/ ❑Latin American/ ❑Other:
Black Asian Hispanic
❑American Indian/
Alaskan Native
❑Caucasian/White ❑Pacific Islander ❑Decline to State
Student Educational Background
Did you receive a: Please answer the following:
❑ High School Diploma
❑ G.E.D.
❑ High School Equivalency
❑ No High School Diploma
Are your assessment scores
Are you a current or former foster youth? ❑Yes ❑No
Was your High School G.P.A. below 2.5? ❑Yes ❑No
Have you ever been enrolled in remedial courses? ❑Yes ❑No
Are your parents native English speakers? ❑Yes ❑No
Did either of your parents receive a U.S. College degree? ❑Yes ❑No
Have you ever attended another college? ❑Yes ❑No
If YES, which college(s) *
*Please attach unofficial transcripts of ALL colleges attended to your EOPS application.
English 101 ❑ Yes ❑ No What are your college goals? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
Math 125/123C
❑ Yes ❑ No ❑Certificate of Completion ❑ AA/AS Degree ❑ University Transfer
EOPS Criteria IV. Board of Governors Grant Criteria
Are you a resident of
❑ Yes ❑ No
Have you completed 70+
❑ Yes ❑ No
degree applicable units?
Do you have an AA/AS,
❑ Yes ❑ No
BA/BS or higher degree?
Are you or any family
Number of members in family
(including yourself)
Last year’s family annual
V. For Foster Youth Only VI. Student Certification
Are you a current or former foster youth whose
dependency was established on or after your 13
birthday? ❑Yes ❑No
I certify that the statements on this application are accurate to the
best of my knowledge.
Are you 25 years or younger? ❑Yes
Student Signature
Date Application was submitted
Application Received By:
Staff Initial: Date:
NOTE: All applicants must have applied for a fee waiver (BOGG) through the Financial Aid office and be enrolled in 12 units
before submitting the application.