Form I-905 02/11/14 Y
Part 1. Information About the Applicant Filing This
Form (continued)
Explain your organization's expertise, knowledge, and
experience in the health care occupations for which you are
seeking authorization.
Describe the procedure you will establish for U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services to use to verify the
validity of your certificates.
Explain how your organization meets the standards
described in the instructions sheet.
Part 2. Statement, Certification, Signature, and
Contact Information of the Applicant Filing This
►(mm/dd/yyyy)Date of Signature3.b.
Applicant's Signature3.a.
I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United
States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct. Copies
of documents submitted are exact photocopies of unaltered
original documents, and I understand that I may be required to
submit original documents to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS) at a later date. Furthermore, I authorize the
release of any information from my records that USCIS may
need to determine my eligibility for the benefit that I seek.
I furthermore authorize release of information contained in this
form, in supporting documents, and in my USCIS records, to
other entities and persons where necessary for the
administration of U.S. immigration laws.
I can read and understand English, and have read and
understand each and every question and instruction
on this form, as well as my answer to each question.
NOTE: Select the box for either Item Number 1.a. or 1.b. If
applicable, select the box for Item Number 2.
a language in which I am fluent. I understand each
and every question and instruction on this form as
translated to me by my interpreter, and have
provided true and correct responses in the language
indicated above.
The interpreter named in Part 3. has read to me each
and every question and instruction on this form, as
well as my answer to each question, in
Part 3. Contact Information, Certification, and
Signature of the Interpreter
Interpreter's Family Name (Last Name)1.a.
Interpreter's Full Name
Applicant's Contact Information
Provide the following information concerning the interpreter:
Interpreter's Given Name (First Name)
Interpreter's Business or Organization Name (if any)
Interpreter's Mailing Address
3.c. City or Town
3.d. State 3.e. ZIP Code
Street Number
and Name
2. I have requested the services of and consented to
who is is not
representative, preparing this form for me.
an attorney or accredited
Applicant's Daytime Telephone Number4.
Applicant's E-mail Address5.
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