Form I-821 07/03/19 Page 10 of 13
Part 7. Eligibility Standards (continued)
33. Have you EVER assisted with or participated in selling or
providing weapons to any person who to your knowledge
used them against another person, or in transporting
weapons to any person who to your knowledge used them
against another person?
Yes No
34. Have you EVER received any type of military,
paramilitary, or weapons training?
Yes No
35. Have you EVER unlawfully voted in a United States
Federal, state, or local election?
Yes No
36. Have you EVER claimed to be a U. S. citizen (in writing
or in any other way)?
Yes No
37.a. Have you EVER recruited, enlisted, conscripted, or used
any person under 15 years of age to serve in or help an
armed force or group?
Yes No
37.b. Have you EVER used any person under 15 years of age
to take part in hostilities or to help or provide services to
people in combat?
Yes No
38.a. Have you EVER committed or conspired to commit
human trafficking offenses, as defined in the section 103
of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act
of 2000, in the United States or outside the United States?
Yes No
38.b. Have you EVER knowingly aided, abetted, assisted,
conspired, or colluded with a human trafficker?
Yes No
38.c. Are you NOW the spouse or child of an alien who
committed or conspired to commit human trafficking
Yes No
38.d. Are you NOW the spouse or child of, or are you yourself,
an alien who knowingly aided, abetted, assisted,
conspired, or colluded with a human trafficker?
Yes No
38.e. Within the previous five years, have you EVER obtained
any financial or other benefit from the human trafficking
activity of your spouse (including former spouses) or
parents, and you knew, or reasonably should have
known, that the financial or other benefit that you
received resulted from such human trafficking?
Yes No
39.a. Are you NOW or have you EVER engaged in money
laundering as described in section 1956 or 1957 of Title
18, United States Code?
Yes No
39.b. Are you NOW or have you EVER been a knowing aider,
abettor, assister, conspirator, or colluder with others in
money laundering?
Yes No
40. Have you EVER been responsible for or directly carried
out particularly severe violations of religious freedom, as
defined in section 3 of the International Religious
Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. section 6402) while
serving as a foreign government official?
Yes No
41. Has an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration
Appeals EVER determined that you filed a frivolous
asylum application in the past?
Yes No
Part 8. Applicant's Statement, Contact
Information, Certification, and Signature
NOTE: Read the Penalties section of the Form I-821
Instructions before completing this part. You must file Form
I-821 while in the United States.
Applicant's Statement
NOTE: Select the box for either Item Number 1.a. or 1.b. If
applicable, select the box for Item Number 2.
I can read and understand English, and I have read
and understand every question and instruction on this
application and my answer to every question.
At my request, the preparer named in Part 10.,
1.b. The interpreter named in Part 9. read to me every
question and instruction on this application and my
answer to every question in
a language in which I am fluent, and I understood
prepared this application for me based only upon
information I provided or authorized.
Have you EVER:
31.a. Served in, been a member of, assisted in, or participated
in any military unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self-
defense unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group,
militia, or insurgent organization?
Yes No
31.b. Served or worked in any prison, jail, prison camp,
detention facility, labor camp, or any other situation that
involved detaining persons?
Yes No
32. Have you EVER been a member of, assisted in, or
participated in any group, unit, or organization of any
kind in which you or other persons used any type of
weapon against any person or threatened to do so?
Yes No