If you need an F1 student visa (see “International Students” on the web), please complete this form and return it with a copy
of the biographical data page of your passport and a cashier’s check, a money order drawn on an American bank, or a bank
statement guaranteeing sufcient funds to cover the cost of your study. You will then be mailed an I-20 form which you should
take to the United States consulate or embassy in your country to get your F1 student visa. We cannot accept facsimile cop-
ies of this form or of supporting documents. Please let us know if you have any questions, or if we can help you in any way.
Country of birth:______________________________ Country of citizenship: ___________________________________
City of birth: __________________________________________ Date of birth: _________________________________
TOEFL Score: __________________________ or IELTS Score: ________________________
Sources of nancial support (in U.S. dollars):
Personal or family funds (attach the Financial Verication Form
guaranteeing sufcient funds.) U.S. $ ____________________
Scholarship or grant (attach a signed copy of the letter or award.) U.S. $ ____________________
Total in U.S. dollars must equal the program fee of $1,410 per credit, plus $450
per week estimated living expenses, plus funds to cover either the Cornell U.S. $ ____________________
student health fee or heath plan (between approximately $175 and $1,800).
Your signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Name (please print): ________________________________________________________________________________
exactly as it appears on your passport
Mailing address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
number and street city
state/province zip/postal code country
Home phone:___________________ Cell phone: ___________________ E-mail address: _______________________
with area code/country code
with area code/country code
May we send occasional text messages to your cell phone? Yes No If yes, you will be responsible for any charges
that result from these messages.
Are you currently attending college in the U.S.?
Yes No If yes, where?_________________________________
Are you coming to Cornell for another program? Yes No
If yes, when? Fall Spring Summer What is the program?________________________________________
Mail materials to Cornell University School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions, B20 Day Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-
2801 at least six weeks prior to the beginning of class.
click to sign
click to edit
Part I: Family’s Verication of Financial Support
I, the undersigned: (full name of parent or guardian)
(address of parent or guardian)
parent or guardian of: (name of student)
hereby certify:
that I am fully responsible for the expenses of the student named above, and that I am able to send him/her
U.S. $ weekly for his/her tuition, books, living expenses, etc. for study at Cornell University for the coming
semester(s). I have a bank account at
name of bank
with sufcient funds to cover these expenses
for weeks.
Parent’s signature: Date:
Part II: Bank Statement
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. , whose signature appears above, has ample funds at our
bank to meet all the expenses of his/her child/ward during the coming semester at Cornell University. This certication does
not constitute a statement of liability on my part or the bank I represent.
Signature: Date:
Title: stamp or seal of bank:
Return materials to Cornell University School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions, B20 Day Hall, Ithaca, NY
14853-2801 at least six weeks prior to the beginning of class.
click to sign
click to edit