If you need an F1 student visa (see “International Students” on the web), please complete this form and return it with a copy
of the biographical data page of your passport and a cashier’s check, a money order drawn on an American bank, or a bank
statement guaranteeing sufcient funds to cover the cost of your study. You will then be mailed an I-20 form which you should
take to the United States consulate or embassy in your country to get your F1 student visa. We cannot accept facsimile cop-
ies of this form or of supporting documents. Please let us know if you have any questions, or if we can help you in any way.
Country of birth:______________________________ Country of citizenship: ___________________________________
City of birth: __________________________________________ Date of birth: _________________________________
TOEFL Score: __________________________ or IELTS Score: ________________________
Sources of nancial support (in U.S. dollars):
Personal or family funds (attach the Financial Verication Form
guaranteeing sufcient funds.) U.S. $ ____________________
Scholarship or grant (attach a signed copy of the letter or award.) U.S. $ ____________________
Total in U.S. dollars must equal the program fee of $1,410 per credit, plus $450
per week estimated living expenses, plus funds to cover either the Cornell U.S. $ ____________________
student health fee or heath plan (between approximately $175 and $1,800).
Your signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Name (please print): ________________________________________________________________________________
exactly as it appears on your passport
Mailing address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
number and street city
state/province zip/postal code country
Home phone:___________________ Cell phone: ___________________ E-mail address: _______________________
with area code/country code
with area code/country code
May we send occasional text messages to your cell phone? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, you will be responsible for any charges
that result from these messages.
Are you currently attending college in the U.S.?
❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, where?_________________________________
Are you coming to Cornell for another program? ❏ Yes ❏ No
If yes, when? ❏ Fall ❏ Spring ❏ Summer What is the program?________________________________________
Mail materials to Cornell University School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions, B20 Day Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-
2801 at least six weeks prior to the beginning of class.
click to sign
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