Admin - State Specific Authorization Form 43
Phone: 1-800-555-2546 Fax back to: 1-877-486-2621
Q4. Is the drug being requested for use in an ongoing investigational trial (please provide trial name and registration
Q5. Please provide location of treatment (e.g. MD office, facility, home health) including name and Tax ID#:
Q6. Is the request for a reauthorization?
Q7. Is the patient currently stable on therapy?
Q8. Please list all therapeutic alternatives previously used with start/end dates and outcome:
Q9. Please provide all relevant lab values related to the patient's medical conditions:
Q10. If the request is for duplicate therapy for the patient’s health condition, please provide information and rationale
for concomitant use of the medications:
Q11. Please provide dosing rationale for the requested quantity:
Q12. Please provide patient's complete current medication list:
Q13. Please provide all pertinent medical information related to the patient's diagnosis:
Q14. Please include any additional comments that would be of benefit to the review of this request:
___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Prescriber signature Date
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confidential information belonging to the sender that is legally privileged. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. The authorized
recipient of this information is prohibited from disclosing this information to any other party. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure,
copying, distribution or action taken in reference to the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. If you have received this telecopy in error, please notify the sender
immediately to arrange for the return of this document. 2746ALL1216-F
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