Grant/Contract Proposal Form
Funding Source: ____________________________________________________________________________
Title of Contract/Grant: _____________________________________________________________________
Measurable Outcome:
Grant Program Period: _________________________ Grant Due Date: _______________________
Total Amount of Contract/Grant: _____________________
Breakdown of Costs
Direct cost: $____________ Amount of direct cost to be reimbursed: $____________
Indirect cost: $____________ Amount of indirect cost to be reimbursed: $____________
Total cost: $____________ Total amount to be reimbursed: $____________
Tuition dollars in reimbursement dollar amount: $____________ FTEs: ___________
Indirect cost rate used: ______% of __________ (e.g. salaries or direct costs)
Was this rate specified or limited by the funding source?
Yes No
Is cost sharing or matching required? Yes No
If cost sharing/match is required, what is the required amount of cost sharing/month? $____________
If cost sharing is required, attach a copy
of the cost sharing budget to this transmittal if it is not included in the
Does the contract/grant contain any full- or part-time college employee salaries for which the college
will receive reimbursement?
Yes No
How many college operating dollars will be compensated by contract/grant funding? $____________
Does the contract/grant require instructional contact hours currently taught by a department
chairperson or full-time faculty member to be replaced due to their involvement in the grant/contract?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Are any college services (e.g. telephones, office supplies, printing, copying, postage, etc.) not being
reimbursed by the grant/contract?
Yes No
Estimated costs: $____________ Total amount to be reimbursed: $____________
Will this project/program take place on campus or off campus?
(If 51 percent of the program occurs off campus, it is considered an off-campus project.)
On Campus Off Campus
Grant/Contract Proposal Form
Title of Contract/Grant: _____________________________________________________________________
Submitted by: Da
College Administrative Approvals
__________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Chief Information Officer Date Director of Physical Plant Date
(if applicable) (if applicable)
Department Chair/Head Date
Vice President Date
Comptroller Date
Director of Human Resources Date
Director of Grants Date
Dean/Director Date
Vice President Date
Chief Fiscal Officer Date
Executive to the President Date
President Date