Change To Employee Terms and Conditions
HR 102
This Form is to be used when there is a change to employee’s contractual terms and conditions due to one of the reasons listed in
Section 2. This form should be completed by the line manager in conjunction with the employee, and must be approved by the
appropriate authorised/delegated officer and forwarded to Personnel Administration, Human Resources. Please complete form in
Block Capitals/Tick appropriate boxes.
HR 102 V8 Aug 2018 Page 1 Revised 27/08/2018
Section1. Employee Details
Section 2. Reason for Contract Change Place () in appropriate box
Return from Internal Secondment
NCHD Extension of Contract
Return from Special Leave with
Nominal Pay
Cessation of Temporary
Temporary to Permanent Contract
Return from Flexible working
Section 3: Effective Dates
Date Change Effective from
Date Change Effective to (If appropriate)
Section 4. Organisation Details
Position Number to
be assigned
If on a Temporary Contract please confirm contract expiry date
Indefinite Duration Std T&Cs
Indefinite Duration Std
T&Cs 06/2014
Fixed Term Std T&Cs 06/2014
Specified Purpose
Std T&Cs 06/2014