Explanatory Note on Trade Union Leave
HR 108 (q)_V1 Apr 2010 Page 2 of 2 01/04/2010
Leave for Trade Union Representatives
Time off During Work
Employee representatives may be granted time off with basic pay to undertake routine duties
arising from their position.
Time off to attend union duties is at the discretion of the relevant line manager and is contingent
upon service needs being met. Requests for such leave will not be unreasonably withheld. The
Labour Relations Commission’s Code of Practice should be used for guidance.
Special Leave with Pay
Special le
ave with pay may be granted to non full-time representatives to attend
conferences/meetings who are duly authorised to attend such meetings.
The following time limits apply:
Association / Union Meetings
Annual delegate conferences 2 days per annum
Special delegate conferences 1 day per annum
Executive meetings 20 days per annum
Conference of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions
Annual conferences and special delegate conferences No Limit
The grant of time off during work and special leave as outlined above should be extended to time
necessarily spent travelling to and from the meeting in question. The granting of such leave is
also subject to the representative’s Department / Office’s ability to release the representative,
having regard, to the exigencies of official work.
In relation to special leave with pay, a representative will have to submit a written application for
the leave to the appropriate manager, giving details of the purpose for which the leave is sought
and other relevant information at least two weeks (except in exceptional circumstances) before
the date on which the leave is due to commence.
c.f. Department of Health & Children Circular No. S146/11