Appendix 1
Explanatory note on
Serious Physical Assault Scheme Leave
HR 108 (m)_V2 Apr 2010 Page 2 of 3 Revised 01/04/2010
All employees who are absent from work as a result of a serious physical assault by a
patient/client incurred in the course of their duties are covered by the Serious Physical Assault
Scheme. Payment is conditional on the assault occurring in the actual discharge of the
employee’s duties and without his/her own default.
The scheme provides as follows:
a) Full pay based on the earnings an employee would have earned if still at work and working
the hospital/community approved roster.
b) Such full pay which would include basic pay, allowances and premium earnings may be
paid for a period of up to:
6 months for officer grades
3 months for general support staff.
c) Payment made under (b) above shall be reduced by the amount of social welfare benefit to
which the employee is entitled arising from absence due to the injury.
(d) Salary paid to an employee in the circumstances outlined above will not affect an employee’s
entitlement under the sick pay scheme.
Special Extensions for Nurses
In the case of nurses the following special extensions to the above scheme apply:
First Special Extension
A medical assessment to review the employee’s progress should be carried out no later than six
(6) weeks into the period of absence. If it is unlikely that the employee will be fit to return to work
within the six-month period covered by the scheme or immediately thereafter, but there remains a
reasonable expectation that the employee will return to work, a First Special Extension may be
granted up to a maximum period of three months.
Second Special Extension
A medical assessment to review the employee’s progress should be carried out no later than six
(6) weeks into the first special extension. If it is unlikely that the employee will be fit to return to
work during the three-month period covered by the First Special Extension or immediately
thereafter, but there still remains a reasonable expectation that the employee will return to work, a
further final extension may be granted. The second special extension provides for basic pay only
and is for a maximum period of three months.
Refer to the Revised Serious Physical Assault Scheme for Nurses (2001) for further details on the
operation of the scheme.