HR103 (a) Temporary Appointment
HR 103 (a)_V4 Jan 2017 Page 1 of 2 Revised 25/01/2017
This form should be used for Permanent Employees on a Temporary Appointment in line with the provisions of
circular 17/2013. For periods of less than 3 months no payment is due. Form 103b to be used for Support Service
Staff where payment is due for short periods. Please complete in Block Capitals/Tick appropriate boxes. Format
date fields as DDMMYYYY
Section 1. Employee Details
Section 2. Period of Temporary Appointment
If this is an extension of Temporary Appointment, was the initial period > 3 months: Yes No
If no, will the total period including the extension now be > 3 months: Yes No
Initial start date if this is an extension:
Reason for Temporary Appointment (tick the relevant one)
Cover Planned Leave Cover Unplanned Leave Permanent Vacancy
Section 3. Temporary Appointment Position Details
Care Group (If
Incremental date of Temporary Appointment position
Incremental date of substantive post
Name of substantive post
Position No. of
substantive post
Section 4. Planned Working Hours: (if applicable) (SAP Phase II Specific)
Work Schedule Rule (Code)* Please contact your local HR/Payroll office for
list of available codes
Standard Hours of the Higher Post:
Contracted Working Hours of Higher Post:
Start Week of Rotational
Working Week (tick the
relevant one)
Section 5. Line Managers Declaration
I declare that the above information is accurate and correct on the date indicated below and that the appointment
conforms with the provisions of circular 17/2013 & guidance document.