HR 101_V15 Sep 2018 Page 3 of 5 Revised 14/09/2018
Section 8 - 15 should be completed by HBS Recruitment/Hiring Manager/Line Manager
8. Appointment Details – Please select reason for Appointment
Fill Existing Vacancy Sick Leave Relief Redeployment
Fill New Vacancy Urgent Service Needs(Special) SJH Hire Pension Purposes Only
Special Project Locum On-Call Relief Agency Subsumed into HSE
Student Training Post Locum Relief Temp Appointment from other HSE area
Agency Staff Converted to EE Maternity Leave Relief Retiree
Replaced Employee Personnel No.
Grade Org Unit No.
Position Number Position Name
Personnel Area Cost Centre
Employee Group
Non Officer
Fees/ Sessions
9. Contract Type – [please attach signed contract]
Indefinite Duration
Indefinite Duration
Std T&C’s 06/2014 Fixed Term
Fixed Term Std T&C’s
Specified Purpose
Std T&C’s 06/2014
Indefinite Duration
Std T&C’s
Fixed Term
Std T&C’s
Specified Purpose
Std T&C’s
Consultant Contract type
A B B* C Other
Expiry date of
Temporary Contract
Probation period to be served Yes No
1st probationary
10. Service year date (for annual leave purposes)
Certain grades are entitled to incremental increases to the annual leave entitlement based on length of service in the grade. Please complete the
following section so that the correct entitlement may be established.
Is the employee entitled to incremental increases to annual leave, based on length of service? Yes No
Nursing Grades Only
If yes please enter the number of years, months and days of previous service. Note: Please include all previous
service in publicly funded health services in Ireland and relevant nursing experience abroad
Years Months Days
Other Grades
If yes please enter the number of years, months and days of relevant service at this grade. Note: Please include
service if the employee was acting up continuously in the same grade immediately prior to start date
Years Months Days
11. Work Pattern
Wholetime Standard hours for this grade Contract Hours for EE (use decimals)
Working Week Mon – Fri 5/5 Mon – Sun 5 / 7 Work Rule Schedule (if casual enter HRPD)
Employee works a Monday to Friday roster they are classified as 5/5 & will not receive Sat allowance or Sunday/BH premium.
Alternatively if an employee works on Saturday or Sunday they are classified as 5/7 & will be paid the relevant allowances & premium.