How to calculate the gallons in a swimming pool
To figure out how many gallons are in a swimming pool, determine the length, width, average
depth and multiplier- Length * Width * Average Depth * Multiplier = Gallons
Determine the Multiplier:
Rectangle, square, or free-form pool: multiplier = 7.5.
Round or Oval pool: multiplier = 5.9
Determine the Average Depth:
To determine the average depth in a pool where the bottom slopes, measure the shallow end, the
deep end depth. Add them together and divide by two (2).
Example: Shallow End = 2'. Deep End = 10'
2' + 10' = 12'; 12'/2 = 6' Average Depth
Below are the total gallons for various pool sizes
Standard Pool Above Ground Pools with a Pool Wall of 48 inches
Standard Pool Above Ground Pools with a Pool Wall of 52 inches
Once you have determined the
total gallons of your pool, try the
Interactive Calculator at the
bottom of page two of this PDF to
calculate the cost.