How to Register for
CodeRED Alerts Online
Select Managed Account Preference
Creang a managed account will allow you access to
modify your exisng nocaon sengs and contact
informaon, below is a list of your opons:
To create a single sign-on account, click the buon
next to “Yes” and click the corresponding logo to
the credenals you would like to use, either Google,
Facebook or Twier. You will be prompted to log into
your account to permit access.
To create a managed account, click the buon next
to “Yes” and create a username and password. Please
be sure to record this informaon for later use.
(username: 6 characters or more, password: 8)
You will not have another opon to create an account
later in the form, or have the ability to log back in and
update your contact informaon at a later date.
Contact Informaon
Contact Address and
Communicaon Methods
Fill out your informaon and idenfy whether it is a
business or home address. You will have the opon
further down to add more locaons.
Its simple and quick to enroll! Just visit the
url below and follow the steps.
You can also text
to 99411 to receive a direct link to the
enrollment form on your mobile device.
Be sure to include area code and full telephone number.
To receive text messages, you must click the “Send text
messages” box below and select your mobile provider.
Via dropdown, select your provider. If your provider is not
listed, select “Other.
Check the box for “General Nocaons” if you wish
to receive community alerts. Please note: Emergency
Nocaons cannot be opted out—your public safety
agency will determine what constutes an emergency
and issue nocaons accordingly.
Check the box(es) to receive oponal weather
nocaons (Please note this component is not available
on every account, if you do not see it skip this step).
You may register more than one phone number by
clicking “+Add phone”.
Emails (Oponal)
To receive emails, click “+ Add email” and enter your email
address. You will be asked to select the types of alerts and
oponal weather warnings you wish to receive via email.
Terms and Condions
You must check the box to connue.
Data Privacy
You must check the box if you would like to keep your
informaon private.
Verify Informaon
Press buon to verify your informaon.
Conrmaon Screen
Once completed, you will receive a conrmaon email (only
if you created a managed account).It contains your account
details, along with informaon regarding the CodeRED
Mobile Alert app.
Caller ID – Add the numbers listed to your phone’s
contact list.
CodeRED Mobile Alert app Download the FREE app to
receive safety nocaons as you travel to stay informed.