Answer Motion to Add Co-Guardian Page 1 of 5 Aug 2019
How to Answer a Request to Add a Co-Guardian to
Your Guardianship
1. Did a North Dakota court appoint a guardian for you?
2. Did your guardian ask the court in writing to appoint, or add, a co-
guardian to your guardianship?
If you said YES to both questions, this information will help you understand
how to tell the North Dakota district court if you want a hearing, and what
you think about adding the co-guardian.
Since a North Dakota district court appointed your guardian, only the North Dakota
district court can make changes to your guardianship.
In North Dakota, requests to make changes to your guardianship are called “motions.”
Motions are usually made in writing.
When your guardian makes a motion to make changes to your guardianship, you may
tell the district court what you think. This is called an “answer to the motion.” Answers
to motions are usually made in writing.
You may answer the motion in writing and it send to the district court, but you only
have 14 days!
As part of your answer, you may ask the district court to hold a hearing before deciding.
If you do not want a hearing in front of the court, the district court will decide
whether to add a co-guardian based on the documents filed by:
o Your guardian;
o The person who wants to be added as your co-guardian; and
o You, if you answer in writing.
Answer Motion to Add Co-Guardian Page 2 of 5 Aug 2019
Step One Write Your Answer
When your guardian makes a motion to the district court to add a co-guardian, you may
answer in writing to tell court:
If you want a hearing in front of the court, before the court makes a decision.
What you think about adding the co-guardian.
Write your answer soon!
You only have 14 days from the day you got copies of your guardian’s motion!
If you don’t know which North Dakota district court is in charge of your guardianship,
look on the first page of the motion documents your guardian gave you.
The name of the district court and your case number are on the top of the first page.
You can hand-write or type your answer.
If you hand-write your answer, make sure you write your words neatly, so your words
are easy to read.
Use a pen that has blue or black ink. Do not use a pencil.
You may use the form at the end of these instructions to write your answer.
In your answer:
Type or write the case number for your guardianship.
Type or write your first and last name.
Type or write your current address.
Type or write your current telephone number, if you have one.
Tell the district court if you want a hearing in front of the court before the court
decides whether to add a co-guardian.
Answer Motion to Add Co-Guardian Page 3 of 5 Aug 2019
o If you do not want a hearing in front of the court, the district court will
decide based on the documents filed by:
Your guardian;
The person who wants to be added as your co-guardian; and
You, if you answer in writing.
Type or write the reasons you want the co-guardian added to your guardianship,
OR the reasons why you do not want the co-guardian added.
Sign your first, middle, and last name at the bottom of your answer.
Write the date you signed your answer next to your signature.
Print your first, middle, and last name after your signature.
Step Two – Make a Copy of Your Answer; Keep for Your Records
Make a copy of your answer, or have someone you trust make a copy for you.
Step ThreeTake or Mail Your Answer to the North Dakota District Court
You may take your answer in-person to the North Dakota district court that is in charge
of your guardianship.
Or, you may have someone you trust take your answer in-person.
If you or someone you trust can’t get to the court in-person, you may mail your answer.
Here are some ways to find the phone number and address for a North Dakota district
Go to
and click on the name of the County.
Look for the name of the County in the phone book.
Go to a public library near you and ask how to find the phone number and
Answer Motion to Add Co-Guardian Page 4 of 5 Aug 2019
Step FourFollow the Instructions from the North Dakota District Court
Wait one week, if you don’t get something in the mail from the North Dakota district
court, call and ask about your answer.
After you send your answer to the North Dakota district court, you will get information
in the mail about your answer.
The information you get in the mail from the North Dakota district court will tell you if
you need to do anything else.
If the North Dakota district court decides to have a hearing, the information you get in
the mail will tell you when the hearing will be and where the hearing will be.
If a hearing is scheduled, you MUST go to the hearing in person, unless the court
decides you do not need to go to the hearing in person.
You don’t have to hire a lawyer, but you can choose to hire a lawyer to represent you.
At the hearing, you will have a chance to tell the North Dakota district court what you
think about adding a co-guardian to your guardianship.
You can show the North Dakota district court your own proof that you can take care of
yourself and make good decisions about your life.
Step FiveThe North Dakota District Court Decides if the Co-Guardian Should
be Added to Your Guardianship
The North Dakota district court will decide if the co-guardian should be added to your
You will get the North Dakota district court decision in the mail.
If the District Court decides to add the co-guardian, you will have both your current
guardian and the new co-guardian making decisions about you and your guardianship.
Answer Motion to Add Co-Guardian Page 5 of 5 Aug 2019
If the District Court decides not to add the co-guardian, you will still have your current
guardian making decisions about you and your guardianship.
You don’t have to hire a lawyer, but you can choose to hire a lawyer to represent you.
Here are some ways to look for a lawyer:
Legal Services of North Dakota may be able to be your lawyer for free.
First, you will need to fill out their application to see if you qualify.
The phone number is (800) 634-5263 and the website is
The State Bar Association provides a lawyer referral service.
The lawyer referral service matches paying clients with lawyers.
The phone number is (866) 450-9579 and the website is
The North Dakota Supreme Court website has a list of lawyers in North Dakota.
Go to
The North Dakota Legal Self Help Center can give information about the North Dakota
state court system to people who don’t have lawyers.
The North Dakota Legal Self Help Center cannot be your lawyer or give you any advice.
The phone number is (701) 328-1852 and the website is
Ward Answer to Add Co-Guardian Page 1 of 2 Aug 2019
COUNTY OF ___________________ ____________________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT
(Type or write the name of the County) (Type or write the name of the Judicial District)
(Type or write your first, middle and last name)
Case No. ___________________________
(Type or write your case number)
1. My name is .
(type or write your first, middle and last name)
2. I live at: (type or write your address where you live)
3. My telephone number is: (type or write your telephone numbers)
4. I currently have a guardian. My guardian asked this court to appoint a co-guardian for
5. (Tell the court if you want a hearing. Put a checkmark (
) in ONLY ONE box below.)
I request that the court schedule a hearing. I want the court to hold a hearing before
deciding whether to appoint a co-guardian for me.
I do not want the court to hold a hearing before deciding whether to appoint a co-
guardian for me.
Ward Answer to Add Co-Guardian Page 2 of 2 Aug 2019
6. The reasons I am writing to the court about my guardian’s request to add a co-guardian
are: (type or write your reasons.)
(Sign your first, middle and last name) (Write the date you signed)
(Print your first, middle and last name)