QuakeSmart Business Toolkit
The QuakeSmart Program
The QuakeSmart program is designed to encourage
business leaders and owners in areas of the U. S. that are
at risk from earthquakes to take actions that will mitigate
damage to their businesses, provide greater safety for
customers and employees, and speed recovery in the
event of an earthquake.
Congress established the National Earthquake Hazards
Reduction Program (NEHRP) with the passage of Earth-
quake Hazards Reduction Act in 1977. NEHRP brings
together four agencies: FEMA, the U. S. Geological Sur-
vey (USGS), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and
the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST). NEHRP was established “to reduce the risks of
life and property from future earthquakes in the United
States through the establishment and maintenance of an
effective earthquake hazards reduction program.”
A key objective in the 2009 NEHRP Strategic plan is to
“Increase public awareness of earthquake hazards
and risk.” To meet this objective, FEMA supports and
conducts training and public awareness programs on
various mitigation topics throughout the U.S. In 2008,
FEMA introduced QuakeSmart, a unique outreach
program designed specifically for the business commu-
nity, particularly small and emerging businesses.
In the first phase of the QuakeSmart program, FEMA
orchestrated a series of four community forums that were
held in areas of the Nation most at risk from earthquakes.
The forums hosted by local Chambers of
Commerce and featured presentations by leading Na-
tional mitigation experts who addressed topics, including
improving earthquake safety, protecting building contents
and Business Continuity Planning. All presenters empha-
sized that no community can fully recover from a disaster
until its businesses have recovered.
Evansville, IN - Business leaders attend QuakeSmart forum
How can a Chamber of Commerce help
communicate the QuakeSmart message?
• By organizing a standing mitigation committee
made up of business owners, managers, area
emergency management professionals, and
Chamber Leadership.
• By using free communication networks: newslet-
ters, website headers, Chamber meetings, and
public service announcements to get the word out.
• By providing an informational section on the
Chamber website to expand knowledge on earth-
quake mitigation, and creating links on the website
to QuakeSmart.org
Recommended FEMA Earthquake Mitigation Training
Course: Earthquake Basics — Science, Risk, and Mitigation
http://training.fema.gov/EMI/ - Type the course title in the search bar on the top right of the page.
This 30 minute independent study course presents basic information on earthquake science, risk, and mitigation. It also
discusses techniques for structural and non-structural earthquake mitigation. Earthquake Basics is targeted to a wide range
of audiences, including homeowners, business owners, the private sector, federal, state, tribal and local government
workforce at all levels, first responders, non-profit organizations, volunteers, and community-based organizations. A
FEMA certificate will be given to those who successfully complete the post course test. This training resides on the
FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) website.
Course: Train-the
-Trainer — Home and Business Earthquake Safety Training
This is an in-person training program for structural and nonstructural earthquake mitigation. The intended audience for
the end result training is non-technical, including homeowners and business owners. For the Train the Trainer delivery, the
audience is emergency managers, rst responders, or others who are interested in leading a presentation on this topic. It is
assumed that the trainers will be somewhat knowledgeable about earthquake safety, but they may or may not have led
presentations on the subject previously.
The format for the Train the Trainer (TTT) will be in-person live training. A 45-minute live seminar will be held to train
people how to deliver this training to others in the future. The rst 10-15 minutes of the session will be dedicated to teaching
people how to organize, plan, recruit, and deliver a training seminar. Handout slides will be provided for future reference.
The next 30 minutes of the session will be a delivery of the actual presentation. This will allow the future trainers to see
the live session and understand rst-hand how the delivery should be conducted. A Q&A session (5 – 10 minutes) will be
included at the end of the training. A quiz (with answers) is also incorporated so that the trainers are judged on their
basic knowledge of the material prior to delivering the end result training.
The end result training will be delivered by people who have attended the TTT session. A full PowerPoint slide presentation
with basic speaker notes will be provided for the trainers. The end result training will be 30 minutes, and it is intended to
be in-person, live training. Since the audience will be non-technical lay people who are attending out of a general desire to
learn (rather than having a specic need or requirement for attending), this training will be interactive, visually engaging,
and useful. This training might be similar to learning/training seminars delivered by The Home Depot and other retailers
that provide basic knowledge to interested home and business owners. The intent is that the seminar attendees will become
more knowledgeable and will take steps toward earthquake mitigation in their homes and small businesses.
Other Potential Training for Businesses
Through partnership with local and State government and organizations, businesses may be able to request directly
and/or indirectly for earthquake mitigation training via the National Earthquake Technical Assistance Program. For more
information, visit: http://www.fema.gov/national-earthquake-hazards-reduction-program.
For a complete listing of FEMA earthquake-related training visit page 23 of the FEMA P-736 Catalog of FEMA
Earthquake Resources at http://www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=3538.
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