University of Hawai'i at Hilo
Thank you for your interest in hosting an international student from UH Hilo. We appreciate your
willingness to share your aloha and provide an opportunity for a visitor to experience life outside of
campus. The purpose of this form is to gather information about your interests so that we can try to
match you with students with similar interest.
Phone Number: (Home)
Email Address:
Do you speak any languages other than English?
Approximately how often would you like to host a student in your home?
Are you interested in hosting more than one student at a time?
Are you interested in hosting a student for occasional overnight stays or just for a day?
Do you have children at home?
Do you have any pets at home?
List interests and activities you enjoy:
Going to the beach
Barbeques, potlucks
Church activities
Sightseeing around the island
Attending special events (e.g., bon dances, concerts, plays)
Sports (please list):
Other (please list:)
No Yes (list languages):
Once or twice a semester
More than a couple times a semester
No Yes
Just for a day at a time Overnight stays are OK
Yes (list ages):
Are you interested in hosting a student from a particular country/region?
No preference
Yes, from (list country/region):
Anything else you would like to add or let us know?
Please return this form to:
Jim Mellon
UH Hilo International Student Services
200 W. Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720.
Phone: (808)974-7313. Fax: (808)974-7691. Email: mellon@hawaii.edu