Application for Exemption from Scheduling Guidelines
(Please complete one form for each class for which an exemption is requested.)
Department requesting an exemption:______________________________________
Chairperson’s Signature:_________________________________________________
Course Title:____________________________________________________________
Course Number:_________________________________________________________
Desired Schedule Time:___________________________________________________
How is this course out of compliance with the guidelines? (Guidelines can be found on the Registrar’s Web site:
Please check all that apply:
_____There are more than three classes offered by this department in this time block.
_____The class crosses regular time blocks. (M/W/F blocks are 8:30-9:20; 9:30-10:20; 11:00-11:50; 12:00-
12:50; 1:00-1:50; 2:00-2:50; 3:00-3:50; 4:00-4:50. T/R blocks are 8:00-9:20; 9:30-10:50; 12:00-1:20; 1:30-
2:50; 3:00-4:20.)
_____The class meets during community hour (T/R/ 11:00-11:50).
_____The class meets during chapel (M/W/F 10:30-11:00)
_____The class meets four days a week, and therefore blocks students from taking two other classes.
Why do you need an exemption from the normal scheduling guidelines? Check one of the following reasons,
and provide a brief explanation in the space provided, on the back of this sheet, or on a separate sheet.
_____ Pedagogical reasons
_____Family responsibility of faculty member
_____Long commute for faculty member
_____Other (please give reason)