HONORS Program
Mary Rooney, Director
Warner Hall 217
Cobleskill, NY 12043
Office: (518) 255-5562
e-mail: roooneymm@cobleskill.edu
Participants in the Honors Program may request honors designation for courses in which
they are enrolled. This is ordinarily done within the first two weeks of the semester. Honors
designation provides the student with an enriching and challenging educational experience
through the completion of a project that broadens or deepens understanding of the course
content. The nature of the project is flexible: it may involve, for example, reading, research,
writing, an experiment, etc. A concluding activity (e.g. a presentation, demonstration,
performance, paper, etc.) is required. As a guideline, the project should require
approximately fifteen hours of the student’s work time across the semester.
Special Projects courses (290 level) may also be taken on an honors designation basis.
This provides Honors Program participants with the opportunity of pursuing a course of
study at a level more advanced than offered in courses here, or on a subject which is not
normally offered here, and of working on a one-to-one or small-group basis with a
professor. A concluding presentation (or demonstration, performance, paper, etc.) is
required. Special Projects courses may be taken for one, two, or three credits.
Upon certification by the supervising professor of satisfactory completion, the designation
“HONORS” will be added to the student’s transcript entry for that course. (The course
grade is assigned, as usual, by the professor.)
Course Number and Title: (
prefix & number and title, e.g. “MATH 231 / Calculus”) ___________________
Semester and year
(e.g. “Spring 2013”) :_____________________
Description of Project: (over)