Respond to the Reflection Questions about your community service-learning
activity. If you feel a question is not applicable to your activity, you may omit it.
Your reflection must be typed and the responses listed by number.
Submit your responses to the Honors Coordinator’s office in Spurk/C317B or via
email at by the end of the semester in which you are
doing your community service-learning activity.
There are some ethical boundaries: Please do not mention the name(s) of
ndividual clients or provide other personal information about them. You may
create a pseudonym (like a first name) to identify a client discussed in your
1. Describe the purpose of the organization or activity.
2. What are your most vivid first impressions of your experience? Describe
ettings, people, actions, and your feelings about them.
3. What kinds of activities were you involved in doing? What kinds of skills were
equired? You might describe a typical day.
4. Describe the people you were serving, and how you responded to them.
5. Describe a particularly positive experience that you had.
6. Describe what you learned as a result of a frustrating experience or
7. How have your initial impressions about the activity or the people you would
erve been altered? If they have not changed, how were they confirmed?
8. What impact has your activity had on you? How have you changed as a result of
his service? For example, what assumptions or preconceptions did you have
that were challenged? Illustrate this point with a specific experience.
9. How did your service make you a better citizen?
For more information contact Honors Coordinator Ginger Hurajt at (978) 556-3454 or