Homestead Tax Credit
Iowa Code chapter 425
54-019a (12/16/19)
This application must be filed or postmarked to your city or county assessor by July 1 of the year in
which the credit is first claimed. Upon filing and allowance of the claim, the claim is allowed on that
homestead for successive years without further filing as long as the person qualifies for the homestead
credit. Contact information for all assessors can be found at the Iowa State Association of Assessors
website: (
Property Information Please Print
Parcel number: ___________________________________________________________________
Owner: _________________________________________________________________________
Property location address: __________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ____________ ZIP: ______________
Property owner mailing address: ______________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ____________ ZIP: ______________
County: ____________________________________ Number of acres: ______________________
Phone: _________________________ Email: __________________________________________
Type of ownership (check one): deed: contract: inheritance: other:
Evidence of ownership on file in Book/Page or Instrument Number: __________________________
I began to occupy this homestead on this date: _________________________ and will occupy the
dwelling house, in good faith, on July 1 and for at least six months during that calendar year, or I am
confined in a nursing home, extended-care facility, or hospital and the homestead is maintained and
not leased or rented, or I am on active duty in the military.
I declare residency in Iowa for purposes of income taxation and that no other application for
homestead credit has been filed on other property.
Previous Address: _________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ____________ ZIP: ______________
Do you still own the previous address?
Yes No If Yes, is the property for sale or rent ?
Was this property part of a distribution made pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 598 (Dissolution of
Marriage)? Yes No
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Homestead Tax Credit, page 2
54-019b (12/9/19)
I certify that a smoke detector or smoke detectors meeting the requirements of Iowa Code section
100.18 and 661 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 210:
has been installed: or will be installed within 30 days of filing this application:
This homestead contains a fuel-fired heater or appliance, a fireplace, or an attached garage:
Yes No
If Yes, I certify that a carbon monoxide alarm meeting the requirements of Iowa Code section 100.18:
has been installed: or will be installed within 30 days of filing this application:
I, the undersigned, declare under penalties of perjury or false certificate, that I have examined this
application, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Written notification must be given to the assessor upon conveyance of this property or
its discontinued use as your homestead.
Assessor or Authorized Representative:
Parcel Number: ___________________________________________________________________
I recommend that the application be: Allowed: Disallowed:
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Board of Supervisors:
Allowed: Disallowed: Date: _____________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________________________