Property Owner
Last Name First Name M.I. Social Security Number
Spouse’s First Name Spouse’s Last Name M.I. Social Security Number
Address (Cannot be a P.O. Box Number) Date of Birth
City State ZIP Code County
Property ID Number (from property tax statement)
Is this property your homestead?
Yes No
I am approved by the secretary of the United States Department of Veterans Aairs for assistance as the primary
provider of personal care services for the veteran listed on this applicaon who is an eligible veteran under the Program of
Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers, codied as United States Code, tle 38, secon 1720G.
Yes No
(Rev. 8/19)
Homestead Exclusion for a Primary Family Caregiver of a Veteran with a Disability
Applications are due by December 15. Read instructions before completing.
Sign Here
Veteran Informaon
Signature of Applicant Signature of Spouse Date Dayme Phone
I declare all informaon on this form is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Veteran’s Last Name Veteran’s First Name M.I. Social Security Number
Address Date of Birth
City State Zip Code County
Check all boxes that apply. The veteran must have a U.S. Government Form DD214 or other ocial military discharge papers, and must
be cered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Aairs (VA) as having a service-connected disability of 70% or more.
The veteran has been cered by the United States VA as having service-connected disability of 70% or more. I have aached
documentaon supporng this statement.
The veteran has been cered by the United States VA as having a permanent service-connected disability of 100%. I have aached
documentaon supporng this statement.
I have aached the appropriate documentaon cerfying that the veteran has been honorably discharged.
I have aached the VA Caregiver Support Approval Leer verifying that I am the veteran’s Primary Family Caregiver.
Please mail completed applicaon and required aachments to your county assessor.
For Oce Use Only
Name of applicant
_________________________________Assessment year _____________
Assessor’s signature _______________________________Date ______________________