Homestead Application
Applications are due to your assessor’s office by December 15. Please read all instructions before completing this application. NOTE:
Each applicant must complete a separate form to apply for homestead (see Section 2 for married couple applicant instructions).
Applicant Name
Assessment Year
Assessor or Representave’s Signature
Secon 1: Property Informaon
You MUST complete this secon. Please provide the following informaon on the property for which you are claiming homestead.
Address of Property Is the property owned by a trust?
Property ID Number (Found on the Property Tax Statement)
City State ZIP Code County
Date Purchased Date Property was Occupied by Applicant(s)
EACH occupant and/or married couple applying for homestead must complete this secon. You cerfy you and your spouse, if married,
are a Minnesota resident, and occupy the property described above as your primary place of residence. Married couples must provide
both Social Security numbers, even if one of the spouses does not occupy the property. You also cerfy that the informaon you provide
is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.
First Name and Inial
Occupant Last Name
Social Security Number/ITIN
Yes No
Are you listed as an owner on the deed?
Occupant’s Previous Address
City State ZIP Code County
Date Vacated Check One: Did you claim homestead at your previous address?
Occupant’s Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Legally Separated Widow
If married, does your spouse occupy the property? Yes No
Spouse of Occupant Last Name Social Security Number/ITINSpouse of Occupant First Name and Initial
Previous Address
ZIP Code
Date Vacated
Check One: Did you claim homestead at your previous address?
(Rev. 12/17)
Secon 2: Occupant Informaon
Type of Applicaon o Owner Occupied
o Relave/Residenal
o Relave/Agricultural
Determinaon o Approved
o Denied
Secon 3: Spouse Informaon
Secon 4: Homestead Applicaon
Sign Here
I cerfy that the above informaon is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Minnesota Statutes, secon 609.41, states that
anyone giving false informaon in order to avoid or reduce their tax obligaons is subject to a ne of up to $3,000 and/or up to one year in
prison. This applicaon must be signed by all owners who occupy the property or by the qualifying relave and returned to the county as-
sessor to receive homestead on this property.
Signature of Occupant
Date Dayme Phone
Evening Phone Email
Signature of Occupants Spouse (If Applicable) Date Dayme Phone
Evening Phone Email
Signature of Other Owner(s) (If Applicable) Date Dayme Phone
Evening Phone Email
Signature of Other Owner(s) (If Applicable) Date Dayme Phone
Evening Phone Email
Complete both sides and mail this completed applicaon and all required aachments to your assessor.
For residenal homestead, qualifying relaves include: parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, uncle,
aunt, nephew, or niece of the owner, by blood or marriage.
For agricultural homesteads qualifying relaves include: grandchild, child, sibling, or parent of the owner of the agricultural property or
the spouse of the owner.
Section 5: Relative Homestead
Are you applying for residenal homestead? Yes No
Is your spouse applying for residenal Yes No
homestead at this property as well?(If applicable)
Are you listed as an owner on the deed? Yes No
If you are not an owner, are you a qualifying Yes No
relave of an owner?
Are you applying for agricultural homestead? Yes No
If yes, do you or your spouse claim another Yes No
agricultural homestead?
Is your spouse applying for agricultural Yes No
homestead at this property as well? (If applicable)
If you are not an owner, are you qualifying Yes No
relave of an owner?
If you are a qualifying relave, does your family
Yes No
have any other agricultural relave homesteads
in Minnesota for your family?
Complete Section 4A to apply for residential homestead OR Section 4B to apply for agricultural homestead. NOTE: If you are not
sure whether you qualify for agricultural homestead, please contact the assessor's office.
Complete this secon ONLY if you are a qualifying relave applying for homestead. Otherwise, skip to Secon 6.
Property Owner
First Name and Inial Property Owner Last Name Relaonship to Applicant
Property Owner Mailing Address
City State ZIP Code County
Is the property owner a Minnesota resident?
Secon 6: Signatures
Who is eligible for
If you own and occupy your own
property, you may be eligible to receive
residential or agricultural homestead
treatment. Homestead classication
makes your property eligible for a
reduced classication rate, and/or a re-
duced taxable value, or may make you
eligible for a Property Tax Refund or to
enroll in other programs.
You must own the property and occupy
it as your primary residence by no later
than December 1 of the current year to
receive homestead for taxes payable
next year.
How to Apply
Complete the entire application and
submit to the assessor within 30 days of
establishing homestead, no later than
December 15 to be eligible for
homestead in the next tax year.
For manufactured homes, you must
mail the application by May 29 to be
eligible for homestead in the current tax
You do not have to reapply for home-
stead each year. However, the assessor
may ask for an updated application at
any time.
Each applicant who occupies the
property must provide a Social Security
number and sign the form. Spouses of
the applicants must also provide their
Social Security number, even if they do
not occupy the property.
What if my property is held
under a trust?
If the property is owned by a trust,
the grantor of the trust is considered
the owner when completing this
application. The assessor may ask for
additional information about the trust
and for a copy of the page of the trust
that has the following information:
Name and type of trust
Grantors of the trust
Signatures of the grantors and date
of those signatures
Required Aachments
If any owners do not occupy the prop-
erty, you must provide the names and
addresses of the owners to the assessor.
If any owners’ spouses do not occupy
the property, you must provide their
names and addresses to the assessor.
If more than two owners occupy the
property, attach another application
with the Owner/Occupant Information
section completed.
Individual Tax Idencaon
Number (ITIN)/Social
Security Number (SSN)
An ITIN can only be used in situations
where one spouse has a Social Security
number and the other spouse does not.
ITINs are not an acceptable alternative
in any other case.
We will not disclose Social Security
number(s) you provide on this form to
the public, but we may share among
government ofcials for tax collection
and administration purposes.
Use of Informaon
The information on this form is re-
quired by Minnesota Statutes, section
273.124 to properly identify you and
determine if you qualify for home-
stead. Your Social Security number
is required. If you do not provide the
required information, your application
will be denied. If you provide your
Social Security number thereafter, the
effective date of the homestead clas-
sication may be delayed. Your Social
Security number is considered private
data for purposes of establishing home-
Making false statements on this ap-
plication is against the law. Minnesota
Statutes, section 609.41, states that any-
one giving false information in order to
avoid or reduce their tax obligations is
subject to a ne of up to $3,000 and/or
up to one year in prison.
If you falsely claim homestead, you
may be assessed a penalty equal to the
amount of the additional tax that
would have applied to your property if
it had not been considered homestead.
If you have questions about homestead
or how to complete this form:
Contact the assessor's office
Go to our website at www.revenue. and type Homestead in
the Search box
Form CR-H Instrucons