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Form B HoAP Communication Designee
Version 1.3 March 2020
Homeowner Assistance Program (HoAP) FORM B
Communication Designee (Permission to Applicant Information)
Applicant Name: Application ID #:
Co-Applicant Name:
Damaged Property:
Instructions: Applicants to the Homeowner Assistance Program (HoAP) can designate a third party to obtain information about
their HoAP application. This third party is known as the Communication Designee and they will be authorized to make inquiries
of the applicant’s program status by the methods of delivery selected below. The person or agency designated as the
Communication Designee is not authorized to sign the grant agreement or any other documents or affidavits on behalf of the
applicant unless they also hold a valid Power of Attorney (POA). Applicants may designate an individual or an agency as a
Communication Designee. If you are using this form authorizing permission to a new Communication Designee to access
applicant information surrounding your HoAP Application, please complete Sections 1 and 2. If you are revoking permission
previously granted to a person or agency or Communication Designee, please complete Sections 1 and 3. If you wish to
authorize or revoke multiple Communication Designees, separate forms should be completed for each designee.
SECTION 1: Information to Access Applicant Information
I do hereby authorize the City of Houston, Texas, Housing Community Development Department (HCDD) Disaster Recovery
Division, and/or their affiliates* to share the following specific information with:
Who can access my information:
For example: Jane Doe OR ABC Elevation Services
Name: ______________________________________________
Agency, if applicable: __________________________________
Relationship with this person/agency: Family or Close Friend
Attorney, CPA, or Similar Professional
Non-Profit or Long-Term Recovery Group
Address and phone number of person/agency (and
agency representative name):
For example: 123 ABC Street, Agency Rep Name
Houston, TX 77025
(830) 555-1234
Address: __________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
What information may be disclosed
(select all that apply):
Please note: Specific payment-related inquiries will
not be shared with builders/contractors.
Contractor Validation Requirements
Environmental and Asbestos/Lead Inquiries
Payment Requirements
Scope of Work Inquiries
All Documents
Other: ____________________________
Method(s) of delivery:
By phone By e-mail** In-person meeting
** By selecting this option, you understand that electronic correspondence
may not be confidential and may be intercepted and read by other people.
Required to access application information
PIN/Password: ________________________________________
This permission will expire on:
For example: 08/10/2018
Expiration Date: _______________________________________
*Affiliates may include the City of Houston’s contractors, subcontractors, consultants; and partner non-profit or volunteer organizations.