Home occupations allow a variety of employment and business opportunities within the
City. In order to ensure that these businesses do not change the character of residential
neighborhoods, certain rules regarding time, type, and location of business activities have been
adopted. Before you apply, consider this rule of thumb: “If someone looks at my house with the
home occupation, will it appear any different than before I had the home occupation?”
The first two sheets of this form provide the procedures and rules for a home
occupation approval. The last two pages are a form which you should complete and return with
your business license application. Please answer the questions as completely as possible. The
form also tells what other information you may need to submit with the application.
Home occupations are allowed by the City’s zoning regulations in all residential and
commercial zones. The following are the Municipal Code criteria for the approval. The actual
Code text is written in italics. Additional comments have been added in parentheses.
1. The resident operator shall obtain a business license, which shall be renewed
annually. This home occupation form must accompany a business license application.
The operator of the business must reside in the house.
2. The home occupation shall employ no more than one (1) person in addition
to those who are residents of the dwelling. The application form asks for the
number of employees. Only one, non-resident employee is allowed, whether full or
3. The home occupation shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of
the dwelling for dwelling purposes, and the appearance of the structure shall
not be altered or the occupation within the residence be conducted in a
manner that would cause the premises to differ from its residential
character either by the use of colors, materials, construction, lighting, signs
or the emission of sounds, exhausts, or vibrations that carry beyond the
premises. The form asks you to describe the size and nature of the business and any
work that may be done to accommodate the business in the residence.
4. The home occupation shall have no advertising, display or other indications
of a home occupation on the premises. The form asks what type of advertising you
will use.
5. No storage or display of goods shall be visible from the outside of the
structure. The required site plan must include any outside storage areas.
6. No highly explosive or combustible material shall be used or stored on the
premises. No activity shall be allowed that would interfere with radio or
television transmission in the area, nor shall there be any offensive noise,
vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat, or glare noticeable at or beyond the
property line.
7. A home occupation shall not create greater vehicle or pedestrian traffic than
normal for the district in which it is located. Uses such as on-site retail or medical
offices are not allowed.
8. Merchandise shall not be offered for direct sale within the residence,
accessory structure, or on-site.
9. No commercially licensed vehicles over 10,000 pounds shall be utilized in the
business. No more than one type of commercially licensed vehicle under
10,000 pounds gross weight capacity shall be utilized in the business on the
premises. Uses which require the delivery or pickup of large equipment or materials
are not allowed.
If you have questions concerning this information, or need assistance with the application,
please contact City staff at 253-299-5530. You can also visit the Permit Center at City Hall at
1104 Maple Street, Sumner WA 98390.
Please provide as much information as possible. The completeness of the application can
expedite the approval. Attach additional sheets if you need more space than is provided on
these forms.
Property Address:___________________________________________________
Assessor’s Parcel Number:____________________________________________
Legal Description:___________________________________________________
PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT (if different than property owner)
Name: Name:
Mailing Address: Mailing Address:
Daytime Phone: Daytime Phone:
TYPE OF BUSINESS Please check the box that most closely corresponds to the type of business
you are proposing and answer the appropriate questions in the space at the bottom of the page.
Off-Site Retail Please describe the type of product you sell. Will people come to your house?
How will people know about your product? How will the product be delivered to you, or picked up?
Office Please describe any type of storage or vehicles associated with your business. Will this be an
off-site office (such as a contractor’s office with a storage yard somewhere else)? Will people visit your
Yes - If yes, how often? No
Home Child Care How many children and for what age ranges will you provide service? Please
show on the site plan where outdoor recreation will occur. What is the status of your State license?
Craft Manufacturing Please describe the product you will produce. What volume do you
estimate producing? What process is required to make these items? Does it involve any noise, odors,
sound, etc. which could affect neighbors? How will the raw product be delivered and the finished
product be removed?
Phone sales Will you have product stored on site? If so, please describe it and how it will be
delivered and shipped
Please describe the type of activity in sufficient detail to determine the scope of the business
and whether it conforms to the regulations.
Print Form
Email Form
Please include an 8-/12” x 11” site plan, drawn to scale, including the following:
• Boundaries of property and dimensions;
• Location of all existing and proposed structures on the property along with the distances
to property lines and other buildings;
• Parking areas
Please include a sketch of the building floor plan, showing the areas of the house to be used by
the home occupation. Please indicate what percentage of the building will be the home
How many employees, in addition to yourself, will be working at the residence?
How will you advertise your business?
How many vehicle trips per day will be generated by the business activity? What types of
vehicles will be used?
Does your product or operation require Material Data Sheets? Yes No
If yes, please include copies of those Sheets with your application.
Will you use any flammable or combustible liquids? Yes - please describe No
Will you have any exterior storage? Yes - please describe type and location No
Please return this form, the drawings and any related information you wish to submit to City of
Sumner, Community Development Department, 1104 Maple Street, Sumner, WA 98390.
If you have any questions about the application, please call the Community Development
Department at 253-299-5520.