Home Occupations
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Article IV:
Special Use Regulations
Section 10: Home Occupation Regulations
A. Home Occupations. The purpose of this section is to insure the continuance of the
residential character of City neighborhoods by permitting only low-intensity home
occupations that are clearly incidental and secondary to the primary residential use of
the property and that are conducted in a limited manner which creates little exterior
indication of the activity and which does not create a nuisance or otherwise adversely
impact the health, safety or welfare of the neighborhood or interfere with neighbors' the
peaceful and quiet enjoyment of their domicile.
1. Appearance of Residence:
a. The home occupation shall be restricted to lawfully-built enclosed structures and
be conducted in such a manner as not to give an outward appearance of a
business. The installation, storage or use of any equipment or machinery not
normally found in a household or general office shall be prohibited.
b. The maximum area used for the home occupation shall not exceed 25% of the
dwelling's gross floor area of the residence, including storage areas.
c. The home occupation shall not result in any structural alterations or additions to a
structure that will change its primary use or building code occupancy
d. No products and or equipment produced or used by the home occupation may
be displayed to be visible from outside any structure.
e. Direct, on-premise sales, retail or wholesale, and the display of goods or products
on the premises shall be prohibited. If sales are conducted on the Internet or off-
premise, the pick-up (physical exchange) of items purchased may not take place
on the premises of the Home Occupation. Exception: The sale of goods incidental
to a service shall be allowed on-premise.
2. Nuisance:
a. The creation of any noise, orders, vibrations, glare, fumes or electrical
interference which is detectable outside the structure shall be prohibited. .
3. Employees:
a. Other than members of a household residing within the dwelling located on
the home occupation site, there shall be no other/not more than one full
time equivalent employee at the home occupation site at any given time.
b. Additional individuals may be employed by or associated with the home
occupation, so long as they do not report to work or pick up/deliver at the
home occupation site.
Please Initial to show that you have read and understand the
Home Occupation regulations. If these rules are broken, your
registration will be revoked.