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Home Fire
Home Fire
Over 80% of fire deaths occur
in the home. Home fire sprinklers
can save lives and property from fire.
They respond quickly and effectively
to fire, often extinguishing the fire
before the fire department arrives.
Only the sprinkler closest to the fire
will activate, spraying water on the fire.
Over 80% of fire deaths occur
in the home. Home fire sprinklers
can save lives and property from fire.
They respond quickly and effectively
to fire, often extinguishing the fire
before the fire department arrives.
Only the sprinkler closest to the fire
will activate, spraying water on the fire.
And Don’t Forget...
If MOVING into an apartment
or condominium building,
make sure common areas and
individual apartments are
If BUILDING a new home or
remodeling an existing home,
consider installing a home fire
sprinkler system.
KKK Home fire sprinklers save lives and property. In many
situations, a family who has survived a fire will also have their
“home” to live in and enough of the items and space in their
home to continue living their lives as they did before.
KKK The cost of a home fire sprinkler system in a new home
averages $1.35 per sprinklered square foot totaling an amount
similar to what is spent for carpet upgrades, paving stone
driveway or a whirlpool bath.
Source: Fire Protection Research Foundation Study 2013.
KKK A home fire sprinkler system can reduce the homeowner’s
insurance premium.
KKK Fire departments typically use roughly 10 times as much water
as a fire sprinkler would use to contain a fire.
Source: Fire Protection Research Foundation Study 2010.
KKK Fire sprinklers are environmentally friendly. They can reduce
the amount of water run-off and pollution, fire damage by up
to 71%, and water usage to fight a home fire by as much as
Source: FM Global and Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Study 2010.
KKK Cigar smoke or burnt toast will not activate a fire sprinkler.
Only the high temperature of a fire will activate the sprinkler.
KKK A home fire sprinkler system is easy to maintain. Just inspect
your home to make sure the sprinklers are not blocked by
something that would prevent the water from coming out
such as paint and be sure the main control valve is never
turned off.
KKK Home fire sprinklers are effective in cold and warm climates.
Guidelines have been created for the proper installation of
systems to avoid pipes freezing. A home fire sprinkler system
should be winterized the same as you winterize a domestic
water supply.
More than 2,500 people die in
home fires each year.
If a home fire occurs, the risk of
dying decreases by about 80%
when the home is equipped with
a fire sprinkler system.
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