Home Builders Assessment
for Calhoun County Alabama
Physical Property Address:
Date Filed:
To: Karen Roper
Calhoun County Revenue Commissioner
1702 Noble Street, Suite 106
Anniston, AL. 36201
City: State:
Complete this form using Adobe reader or
using black ink. Mail to the address
provided to the left or deliver to the
Calhoun County Appraisal Office during
normal business hours.
**** Note: Please keep a copy of this letter for your records and mail a copy to the address listed in the "TO:" section above. This form is provided as a courtesy and is not an
official Calhoun County document. ****
The undersigned hereby certifies he/she is the OWNER/BUILDER of the property located at:
Additional Location Information:
and that he/she has constructed a structure on said lot and the construction of this structure was
% complete on October 1,
This the
day of , 20
Owner/Builder Telephone Number
Owner/Builder Signature